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We are in New York City vacationing... it's almost a week now... We are staying in my good-old-friend Joyce's house... it's great weather in here... and we are enjoying each day here!
I will update all the fun details once we get home... when life returns to normal(boring) again :D

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Tomorrow is our spring break family trip... this was planned long time ago but now it has changed from a CT skiing trip to probably a NY touring trip. Both Timothy & Acacia have been under the weather these past few days... and up until now we are not sure if we will really make the trip tomorrow... we will make a final decision tonight at dinnertime. It's a mixed feeling.. on one hand, we've been excitedly awaiting this trip for a while now... and the boys have been really excited about playing in the snow and skiing... but on the other hand, it's freezing cold in east coast and it's sunny and bright out here in Texas..... it really makes me wonder if I have made a wrong decision to go there at this time of the year or not.

This Monday we finally submitted Jacob & Acacia's passport applications.. it is SO expensive!! Each kid costs about $142.. plus the $$ to develop photos... good thing daddy finally took the pictures by himself and had them developed in Sams, not only it's cheaper but we were able to get the kids to smile... much nice pictures then the ones taken outside. And we will also apply for Taiwan passports for all 3 kids. That is another $240. With the expensive airline tickets for all 5 of us, this Taiwan trip has turned into a huge expense for us. But it will all worth it, I know, at the moment we get to see our families.

OK I want to record somethings about Acacia. Other than her 2nd cold, she is doing really well developmentally. She sits by herself very well now, and she is able to scoop backwards a little. Still not very willing to be on her tummy or to crawl, but she likes to stand with our help. I think she might go straight to walking and totally skipping crawling. We will see. SHe has tried quite a few different foods: pumpkin, sweet potato, squash, avacado, peas, and the other day she tried carrots and seemed to like it. Today I bought some canned Gerber turkey, and I just gave her some. I guess she didn't really like the texture, but she still managed to eat some with oatmeal. She loves to drink water, and she likes to chew on her teething cookie, as well as some strawberry flavored baby puffs. She is a much better eater than Jacob and Timothy were. I hope she will be a food lover, just like her mommy!!

It's so quiet now both T & A are taking a much needed nap. This is the only time I have to update a blog... 

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We adore each other!!

We even play computer together!!!

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I just LOVEEEEEEEEE my brother!!!

OK.. that was a FUNNT picture!! How come my eyes were SOOOOOOOOOOO small ???

My brother LOVESSSSSSSSSSSSS me So much!!

We even play computer together!! We are like twins!!!!!

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copied from : http://www.babyhome.com.tw/linguoo

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文 / 李采洪

台大病理科醫生李豐 女士 罹患過淋巴癌。同病的,或輾轉病榻,或早死了;她卻能夠好好地活著。她的秘訣就是:不去依賴治療,而要每天 好好地照顧內臟,尤其要尊重細胞。那要快快樂樂,飲食清淡,生活規律,早睡早起,並定時定數地打坐和運動。

「 人在高興時,細胞很圓潤,就像十八歲的年輕人;人在生氣時,細胞就像八十歲的老頭,皺皺縮縮的!」-( 癌細胞就是扭扭曲曲皺皺縮縮的,五榖雜糧加蔬菜、運動 加樂觀,即可將癌細胞回成正常圓潤的細胞 ) 「 不要虐待你的細胞;暴飲暴食、熬夜不睡覺,就是在虐待細胞!」

每 天清晨四點,城市的夜貓族剛入睡,前台大病理科主治醫師 李豐就起床。先喝一杯水,開始打坐、 運動,吃過一碗五榖粥當早餐後,七點鐘,她好整以暇的出門;每天晚上八點,都會上班族還在辦公室裡加班,李豐已開始 打坐,準備九點睡覺。她的飲食清淡,中午自己煮糙米飯和蔬菜,晚上只吃中午的一半到三分之一量, 整天的飲食,就是五榖雜糧加蔬菜。

很難想像,三十年前李豐罹患過淋巴癌 ,當年為她治療癌症的醫師,有人都已過世了,李豐卻還活得很健康。若問為什麼,可能的答案是:她現在每天的生活都很「尊重細胞」。

這 三十多年來,李豐的工作,是每天在顯微鏡下看人體細胞的生老病死。她說, 人在高興時,細胞很圓潤,就像十八歲的年輕人;人在生氣時,細胞就像八十歲的老頭,皺皺縮縮的。而且,好細胞和生病的細胞完全不一樣 ,「 癌細胞就是扭扭曲曲,亂七八糟的樣子。」她說,越瞭解細胞,越為自己過去糟蹋細胞而感到慚愧,直到學會「尊重細胞」,身體才開始好轉。因為她與癌症共存、 「賺到三十年」的經歷,不少人會找她分享經驗。

李豐所說的「提供細胞環境」,其實是老生常談 ──規律作息、清淡的飲食和運動。

以 肝臟為例, 每天晚上十一點為什麼該躺到床上睡覺?因為 十一點到凌晨三點是肝膽系統充血、要運作、排毒的時候,此時身體躺平,肝就可以擺平,充滿足夠的血。這時的肝,會是平常的二到三倍大,如果晚上十一點過後 還坐著或站著 。她說:「就像菜市場吊著的豬肝,放不了多少血。」

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怡臻's website
未來想從事什麼:teach my kids at home.
有沒有喜歡的人:所有家人& 好友

跟誰出去最幸福: again…家人& 好友
你的兩個好友吵架了你會:Pretend I don't know... haha
聖誕節要幹嘛:so far away... 
最想跟誰過聖誕節:again… 所有家人& 好友

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So this morning Daddy woke Jacob up as usual at 7am, after breakfast we found out because of a little bitty snow on the ground, there is no school today !!! WOOHOO!!! It's funny, but Texans can't handle driving on the snowy/icy roads. I am so happy to have the boys (including daddy) at home. It's like a bonus holiday!!  p.s. Daddy is working from home today.

And there is no swimming lesson for Timothy. no math lesson for Jacob today either.

This morning I cleaned the living room/kitchen, and it's surely nice to see our home clean. It's so difficult now to maintain a clean house because Acacia needs attention constantly and things get clustered really easily.

Tomorrow is the big day. I am having my citizenship interview. I've tried to study the questions and hopefully I will pass easily. Then I will just wait for the sworn-in date so I become an American citizen officially. We really never feel strongly about pursuing the American citizenship. In fact I love my country Taiwan dearly. I always feel I am a Chinese in anyway. The boys also consider themselves Chinese although they are American born and will grow up the American way. We will try to instill the Chinese culture into their little beings as much as we can. But no matter what, the most important thing is that we are people of God. How glorious!! That's the BEST divine citizenship human can ever obtain.

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 It's the 1st day of year 2007!! Happy new year to everyone! We pray this year everyone will find happiness, health, peace and love.

We have been staying at home these past few days, just enjoying spending time with each other.

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It is Christmas day today. We came back from our mini San Antonio trip last night. It wasn't a great trip at all, with all the heavy rain and cold weather. We were hoping to take the kids on the boat ride at river walk but we didn't even drive into downtown area.

Daddy got back from his long 2 week business trip on Friday. Me and 2 boys went to pick him up from the airport. We were happy to see daddy. It felt like a very long time since we last saw daddy.

Saturday morning came and after we quickly packed we started driving to San Marcos. We stopped at Austin for lunch, we decided to go to central market to buy lunch, and we could buy some other stuff, like fruits. The goat cheese pizza was weird, not very good as I had hoped, but at least it was healthier than fast foods.

 It was pouring rain when we got to the outlet mall, but we managed to shop a little. We met the Lo's family there after we shopped. Daddy bought a pair of Timberland shoes, I bought a down jacket and Daddy bought toy boats for the boys. We didn't get to shop for as long we would like. We  then went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. The food was not bad, although the steak was overcooked.. We then headed to our hotel. I didn't get the directions very clearly so we got lost a little... and we were all getting very impatient and tired... finally we got to the Courtyard Marriot inn... it was clean and nice.

On the Lord's day morning we went to the meeting in church in San Antonio. It is always nice to blend with the saints. After the meeting we went to a Chinese restaurant to eat, it was quite delicious. Acacia had been very good and letting mommy to eat. After lunch, we decided to head home since it was still cold and raining. We didn't even stop at the Outlet mall, feeling tired and wanting to go home.

So that was our not-very-exciting mini trip. Yesterday 12/24 was Acacia's 5th month birthday, Acacia is already 5 months old. She is becoming a very cute little girl. I can't wait to see her grow up more and more in the days to come.

Merry Xmas!!

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好冷 !!  好冷 !! 現在是華氏30度, 攝氏低於0度, 標準的大冷天....
but it's really not bad at all in the house since we have the heater on and the temp stays at about 70 degrees.

Daddy is going on a business trip for 2 weeks next Monday to Seatle and Portland, OR. I wish we could all go with him! I don't want to think about it yet... as it will certainly be hard to take care of 3 kids all by myself.. I am sure my mom will help but it's not the same as having daddy home. Every night around 8pm is the busiest time in our household, we have to bath the boys, brushing their teeth, getting them ready for bed, and usually at the same time Acacia is tired and fussy... so it really takes 2 adults to barely handle 3 kids.

On Thursday around lunch time I received a call from Timothy's school, saying he got hurt in the playground, and he was bleeding and crying. I got there and he sure looked miserable. His nose was bleeding, his lips swollen, and there were scratches on his face. What happened was that he wanted to play the swing with his belly, so he ran to jump onto the swing... of course he missed it... so his face smashed into the ground. And the ground was covered with little rocks... OUCH!!

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It's really snowing here in Texas!! I am so excited!! The very 1st snow since we had Acacia!!

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 We came back from our trip to Memphis TN on Monday night. It was a very happy trip, except for Jacob getting his left foot hurt on the last night before we came back.

on Friday(11/4):
Daddy came home after 2 pm from work, we hurriedly loaded our stuff unto the van, and we went to pick up Jacob at school. We drove for a very long 7 hours, only stopping to buy dinner and use the restroom. We could tell there were lots of tall trees by the highway but since it was dark we couldn't see how it's like.
We finally arrived at brother 劉峙 and 華露's house, it was already 11pm. 樂樂 was still awake waiting for us. The boys played for a while and almost everyone was so tired but too excited to go to bed.
華露 prepared some chicken soup for us to eat, very yummy and warmed our hearts. We set up the air bed and the boys were still too excited they talked and giggled until after 1am to finally drift off.

on Saturday(11/5):
The boys woke up early, they couldn't wait to play with
樂樂. We had a big breakfast... but one thing I shouldn't have eaten was scrambled eggs which caused stomache ache later on. Jacob was so good, he did his math homework for the day!!
華露 prepared lots of food to bring for the picnic by the lake.
劉峙's coworker(a couple with a 1 year old girl) came to meet us and we left for the lake in a small town in AK. The trip was about 1.5 hours long, and I had a stomache in the car, not too bad but very uncomfortable. 華露 told me her mom also had gallbladder taken out and also I got some very helpful info, like the kinds of foods I should avoid... The boys had fun talking and playing and eating snacks with a little disagreements here and there. Acacia slept a lot during the trip and was such a good baby. 樂樂 and Timothy fought for her attention the whole time.

With a little getting lost we finally arrived at the lake... what a beautiful sight! The leaves were turning fall colors and the lake was shinning under the sun. But it was still a little chilly for picnic. So we changed to another spot, much better. About a hour later the sun fully came out and was much warmer. We started to eat, but realized
華露 forgot to bring forks and spoons and bowls... just at this right time another family arrived with utensils... They were saints as well. We all had a great time chatting and eating. The weather was getting perfect! After picnic we wanted to see another lake.. but we couldn't find it so we headed home. It was already 5pm, and we had to get ready for the love feast and small group meeting in the meeting home at 6pm.

Of course we were late for the love feast, but it was nice to see the church in Memphis. Only a small house right next to University of Memphis, but a brightly shinning golden lampstand for the Lord!!
We got home and chatted some then we went to bed, knowing a full busy day was coming!

on Sunday(11/6):

劉峙 took us to see their new house before we went to the meeting. They will be moving in another 2 weeks. The house is very close to the Shleby park, which is very big and nice!! There was a lake in the park with boats and we even saw some buffalos(with a baby buffalo nursing from his mommy)!! The leaves are turning colors and the scenery just looked beautiful.

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On Saturday we went to Irving meeting hall for the memorial meeting for brother Raul who passed away in China a week ago after his 3rd liver transplant failed. Many saints shared about their experiences with Raul and how they were shepherded by Raul's faithful work and life in Christ. He lived a short 55 years of human life, giving up earthly persuings and was a true overcomer. Now he is resting with the Lord and all the testimonies about him encourage us all.

Yesterday afternoon we went to the Dallas Aboretum since Jacob had no school and daddy took the day off. It was great weather, and we all enjoyed the beautiful flowers and plants and fresh air very much. They had big tree houses and pumpkin patch also the hey maze that the boys enjoyed. We were there for 2 hours and everyone was tired from all the walking. Now the weather is finally cooler, we can do more outdoor activities. Unfortunately, daddy is now sick with a little fever and sore throat and headache. He is the last one in our household to get this virus. He had to stay home today to rest.

This morning grandma and me took Acacia to her 2 month check up. She is now 12.5 lbs(95%), and 23 inches(95%), and her head is 15.5cm(50%), overall a very healthy baby. She got 5 seperate shots, which was very surprising to me because I don't remember Jacob or Timothy ever received so many shots at once. I might need to take her to another place to get immunization shots next time!! Also the doctor was another new doctor, she doesn't seem to be as good as Dr. Cole, so next time I will have to request to be seen by Dr. Cole, or considering changing back to  Dr. Daniel? This afternoon she started to feel not well, and cried very hard for a while. I think for the next 24 hours we will have to hold her, rock her and love her a lot because all these shots are giving her side-effects.

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 It has been a very long time since daddy has to go on a business trip. Daddy found out on Monday that he and another engineer were going on a business trip from Tuesday to Friday. It's in a city in the south of Texas and they took a flight there. Grandma stays with us during this time but I still feel very lonely and helpless by myself with three kids. And we all miss Daddy so much already. Daddy said he will enjoy the time alone because it's like a vacation for him, a quiet time with no kids. But I know he will feel bored and lonely just like how we miss him.

I have been having this upset stomache for over a week now. Sometimes it's acid, sometimes it's gas and sometimes it just hurts for no reason. I don't know what's happening with my tummy and it almost hurts daily. I am now very careful with what I eat, so hopefully it will recover very soon.

Last weekend we had a busy Saturday. We first went to the Richardson library for the fountain festival, and the boys had lots of fun. They petted the animals, fished in the fountain, got balloons, candies, and visited different booths. We then went to the Plano center for another event, where we sat for a concert which was very neat. They performed different instruments from the world and this was the boys' 1st concert. Acacia didn't like it too much because it was very loud. the boys also had fun playing in the sand box. Daddy met his old colleague there but they came too late, they missed the best part.. the concert.

We went to Costco afterwards and saw 淑惠 and her husband and baby. It was good to see her again, and found 卉昕 has grown bigger, with teeth!!

On the Lord's day it was the 1st time I sat in the meeting since I had Acacia. She did very well, sleeping during the 1st hour in the stroller by grandma, so I could play the piano for the meeting. And she was all smiles after she woke up in the nursery.

Acacia is 7 weeks old this week, and she has grown a lot since her birth. She now smiles, her eye sight follows a moving object, and she sleeps very well during the night... which is great for mommy. She can turn her head from side to side while on her tummy, and she can lift her head for a few seconds. She nurses a lot during the day, which I don't mind since that means I get a good night sleep. She nurses 1-2 times during the night without waking up. Sometimes I let her sleep on her tummy, this makes her sleep better and deeper. She still doesn't like tummy time at all when she is awake. Acacia is a lot chubbier then when she was a newborn. I am so curious how much she weighs now... she seems so heavy to me already!

Timothy seems to be more interested in Acacia then Jacob is. He pays a lot attention to her and everytime Acacia cries Timothy is always the 1st one to run to her. He gives her kisses or gentle touches. This morning we will take Acacia to Timothy's class to actually take a bath there.. to show the kids how a baby takes a bath. I am a little nervous about it because I am afraid she will be cold in the classroom. Hopefully she will be ok and I am sure the kids will have fun watching her and Timothy will be a very proud big brother.

Last night Jimmy came for dinner and we all took a walk afterwards in the community. The gentle wind was very soothing but I missed Philip so much because usually he is the one who is either pushing the stroller, or holding Acacia. So I believe a short time away from each other is wonderful in that it reminds us how important we are in each other's lives.

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 It's been a long time since I last wrote an entry,,, well lots of things have happened.

Acacia is doing much better these past few days.. she is a much happier baby for some reason. And since I put some Cortizone creme (0.5%) on her, her face has almost all cleared up . Last night was the 1st time I put cortizone creme on her, and in the morning when I woke up I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Her face is no longer red, my baby is actully a very pretty 白嫩嫩. 水噹噹 !! Wow, what a big difference! I am glad a sister told me to use this creme. I actually thought about buying it but wasn't sure if I could use it but since her baby used it (per her pediatritian's instruction), I knew it's ok. I think now all the redness and bumps are gone, Acacia actually feels better. I am sure these baby acne itchs!

Acacia has been sleeping through the night, she doesn't really need to nurse at night(last night she went from about 10pm to 5am this morning, and if I didn't try to make her nurse she could probably sleep longer). But my breasts were so full I had to nurse her and also got up to pump. By the way my beloved manual Avent pump broke(daddy broke it when I asked him to screw it tight for me) so now I have to use the Medela electric one.. it's not as convenient, but for the mean time it will work. I bought a new Avent pump on ebay for $25 including shipping but it will take a few days to arrive.

The labor day long weekend didn't start out well, on Thursday after I picked up Jacob, he started crying and complained he had a headache. I took his temp and he had a low grade fever, so on Friday he stayed home to rest. Every 5 hours his temp would go up (taking Motrin), and he would feel bad, but everytime after he took the medicine he acted like he was perfectly fine. This is a strange virus, only fever, nothing else, which I am glad!

Starting around Friday I started to have a upset stomache... not sure what it is because I still have it today. It sometime goes away, but then it comes back. This afternoon it was quite bad I almost couldn't function. So grandma picked up Jacob.

And it rained the whole day yesterday.. what a relif to finally have some rain! But that meant we couldn't go out to the zoo or Aboretum. We went to the Firewheel mall and bought a wok stainless steel pot and some long sleeved onesies for Acacia. We also went to Cherie's house for the kids to play there for a while. The kids had fun but they were so tired out by the time we got home at 7pm.

so that was our boring weekend. Hopefully everyone(especially ME) will return to healthy state asap!!

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 It has certainly been a long week for all of us since Daddy went back to work and Jacob started school. With only me and Timothy and Acacia at home, I am actually more tired. Timothy asked me about 20 times a day "What should I do? I am so bored". I have to come up with ideas for him to be occupied with, and he really missed his big brother to play with him. This week for some reason Acacia has been a little fussier than before, when she was awake, she wants to be held the whole time, she doesn't like to be left in the bassinet or the stroller. And it's been hard for her to fall asleep during the daytime. I guess I can't really complain because she sleeps so well at night.

Last night was the 1st night Acacia didn't poop. I was very amazed. It's much easier just changing her pee diapers 2-3 times during the night. And I have to confess I am going back to disposible diapers. Cloth diapering is just so hard, it's so hot on Acacia and all the washing and drying is adding up.. taking so much more time and energy. I think I will wait a little while when the weather is cooler, maye I will like it better then. Right now the weather is still like 106 F degrees outside and even in the air-conditioned house it's still warm.

Sometimes I use the baby sling I bought from Erin(a mom I got to know through BBS), and Acacia really likes it, usually within 1 minute I put her in, she falls asleep. But it gets warm wearing Acacia so I can't do it for too long a time. Once again, maybe when the weather is cooler....

Acacia is growing bigger and bigger each day. I can see it in front of my eyes. I already feel 捨不得 watching her growing up. No matter how much I try to treasure each moment, time still flies by like a rocket. I wish I could control when I want to pause the time machine. She has already outgrown some 0-3 month onesies. In this picture below Acacia looks exactly like me when I was a little baby.  But most people still say she looks like her daddy. I guess we will find out  in a few months... either way, I will be happy!  She is the fruit of our love.

On one hand I can't wait for Timothy to start school, on the other hand, I am going to miss him very much, just like how I miss my Jacob during the day this week. I am such a wimp... I just love and adore my boys. Yesterday me and Timothy had a conversation, he said "I can't wait to buy a big house so I can live in there by myself". I said "don't you want to live with me and daddy forever? "  He said "no". I said, "then can I go live with you? " He said, "no, you can live in your own house"... by this time I was heartbroken. Then I asked if I can go over once in a while to live with him, he thought about it for a while and finally said "ok!"  I guess one day my kids will all leave the house and we will be empty-nested. And I can't imagine that day coming. I wish I could take care of them for a very long time and they will be this little and totally dependent on me. I know I have some big lessons to learn to let go. One day my kids will be full grown birds that fly away to build their own nests.

I've been using our new Sony T9 camera to take pictures. It works very well and I am so happy to have a digital camera again.

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It has certainly been a very special summer for all of us. We've got a brand new member, Acacia, into our family. Tomorrow is the last day of Jacob's summer vacation and Daddy will also go back to work on Monday after 3 week leave. Timothy will have another week at home with me then he will start school too. I will miss them all very much, but I will have Acacia with me so I should still be very busy taking care of her.

I can't believe it's already been almost 3 weeks since I gave birth. I've almost all recovered and physically I feel very good. What I learnt from these 3 weeks with the boys is that I need to have more patience, especially now I have 3 kids to take care of, it's very easy for me to lose my patience and my temper comes out. Sometimes I caught myself too strict with the boys, I need to remind myself they are only small children and I need to give them space and time to learn and grow.

I tried cloth diapering Acacia today.. so far I am not too impressed with cloth diapers, mainly because they seem so bulky comparing to disposibles. I guess I will continue experimenting before I jump into a conclusion. I can always sell the pockect cloth diapers I bought and buy disposible ones... I just want to find out which one works better for Acacia so she won't have diaper rash.

My breastfeeding is starting to work well. For the 1st 2 weeks I leaked a lot of milk and my supply was way more than what Acacia needed so I had to pump a lot... so far I've had quite a lot of frozen breastmilk. This week I have been trying to taper down the times I pump and I only pump until I don't feel super-uncomfortable. My breasts are also learning to be "patient" and wait their turns !! It's amazing how our human body adjusts to the environment. I am surely glad I can still nourish and supply all Acacia's needs now she is out of my body. Dr. Cole said all breastmilk until she is 5 months then we will start adding some other foods. Acacia is also learning to nurse well. She a lot of times chokes because I have fast flow, and now she is more used to the way my milk comes down.  For the past few days I've been making "母奶冰棒". I froze breastmilk in little containers with honey, and Jacob likes it a lot. Timothy doesn't like it too much. But at least some of the breastmilk is being consumed. Maybe I will use all these frozen breastmilk when Acacia is ready to eat rice cereal and just mix it with whatever foods I will be making for her in a few months.

On Thursday daddy took Jacob and Timothy to MST for Jacob to meet his new teacher. I guess all his good friends will be in different classes this semester. I am sure Jacob will make some new good friends. On Monday he will also take some lunch money as well as the albuterol inhalor for his asthma in case he has wheezing after PE classes. I've faxed Dr. Cole some forms to fill out so she can fax back to the school nurse.

This time around I am able to get back to shape a lot faster. I think it's due to all the exercises I did during pregnancy(yoga, weight, trademills), as well as the "sit month" foods I am eating. My parents really wanted to make sure I have a good "sit month" this time because it's my last baby. My dad paid for all the herbs I bought, and my mom cooks all our meals. So far I've consumed about 2 dozens of Taiwan rice wine... I've asked my mom to cut down the amount of rice wine because I don't want to pass any alchohol to Acacia through breastmilk. Only 1 week left then I should be getting back to normal living and eating. My mom said she will still help me cooks some meals and even picking up the boys after school, which should be a BIG help. But I am also excited to be able to get back to normal schedule where the boys go to school and I am the main care-giver for them.

Acacia is really a super good baby! She sleeps all night, excepting nursing a few times and she even cuts down pooping during the night. During the day she would usually be awake a few times, each time from 1-3 hours, I think this is why she sleeps so well at night.

The other night this week she pooped at 4am and "on" the sheets after I took off her diaper... so daddy had to clean the sheets and change to new sheets.. a lot of work!! But after all the mess when we settled back down to sleep(well, Acacia slept through the whole event of course!!), Acacia smiled(at sleep) at Daddy and daddy felt it was worth all the work he did. Surely a daddy's little girl ! Having daddy wrapped around her finger!

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I have 2 wonderful kids. They played by themselves happily and let me take a 2 hour nap. In between my long nap, I did hear them getting on each other's nerve and some arguments and crying, but they were so nice they didn't come into the room. They just figured out ways to solve problems and continue playing together. I am SO relieved. I think when Acacia is born we will be able to get the rest we need now the boys are so good entertaining themselves.

Today we didn't go out of the house at all. It's just too hot to get out there... Timothy after lunch asked if he could do homework, I was surprised but stayed calm and said, "sure" ! and he was excited. He finished reading a small book and writing his math very fast and Jacob also did his homework very efficiently. I am starting to think I really have 2 angels at home.

People are starting to call and ask if I've delivered yet. I myself am getting curious when I will actually deliver the baby. It's such a waiting game, with no answer and each day I wonder if contractions will start. I am really not in a hurry now anymore. I enjoy the time with my 2 boys and am kind of scared of the busy and tiring days to come following Acacia's arrival.

My tummy has definitely dropped some. It's really sitting on my thighs when I sit... and it looks smaller for some reason. Acacia's movements also slowed down a little. I think she is very crowded in there. I've already packed the hopital bag.. actually I don't have too much stuff in there.. just some clothes and toiletry. Since we live so close to the hospital I can always ask Philip to come home and get me stuff if I need.

Jacob keeps saying he wants to know what Acacia looks like.. me too!!  The 3rd child should probably be more of a mix of both sides I think. I think she is going to have a chubby face just like her 2 brothers.

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 Yesterday was America's birthday. Happy Birthday, USA!!

Our ice cream store is open(Bigtom Premium Ice Cream). Cecilia, you are VERY welcome to come and taste our yummy ice cream!! Email me peggyhuang3140@hotmail.com  so I can give you info of the store and I will give you some good coupons to use :0) 
Here is the website of our store:

Daddy has been very busy with the new store now open. After work he usually goes into the store and check if everything is going smoothly. Yesterday was July 4th and near our store was where the fireworks displayed(Fire Wheel Town center, Garland), so tons of cars filled the parking lot. We had the best sales record yesterday, and lots of people enjoyed our ice cream. We still need to make our store known to more people, because we are confident once customers taste our all natural, organic premium ice cream they will come back for more!! We as owners also have to pay when buying ice cream so we limit our visit to about once a week(because we want to set up a good example for our staff). The boys love the tropical mango flavor and I love our green tea & Strawberry flavors... SO YUMMY!!!

On America's birthday yesterday, I didn't do very well because I ate something(not sure what) in the morning and I started having stomache all day, I was so weak, having terrible pain and having to go to the restroom often. At first I thought, maybe I was in labor, but soon I realized it's my tummy that's hurting, not contractions. But I am sure Acacia didn't feel well inside either because she was kicking so hard all day. So the boys were very cooperative and they played by themselves in the living room while I spent all day in bed. At night, daddy put them to sleep around 9pm, and by 9:40pm I heard the fireworks(we thought they were cancelled because of rain), so I hurried up and told daddy let's go and see the fireworks, so daddy got the boys up from bed(they were already asleep, and Jacob said he just started his sweet dream :)) we all got into the van with our pajamas, and we drove toward our store. We did see the very last part of the fireworks and I was glad we didn't miss it totally because it only happens once a year! Daddy parked near our ice cream store and he went into the store to help since there were so many people, and he also went to pass out the coupon.flyers in the parking lot. As for us 3, we could only stay in the van because we didn't have shoes on and I was wearing a short pajama... not a pretty sight!! We had to wait for about 1 hour before daddy got back to the van to take us home. I was surely glad I didn't have to go to the restroom during that time!!!

   Last week after my OB visit I had to go to Grapevine Baylor for a sonogram check of the baby. I took the boys, picked up daddy at work and went to have a sonogram, much to our disappointment, Dr. Graham didn't do a size check(which was what I was there for), because it has only been 1+ week since he last did one. He said it has to be 3 weeks to do another size check. So he quickly looked at the baby, of course baby was all perfect and healthy in my tummy. The doctor also pointed out there is hair on baby's head!! haha. I am glad our princess is not bald.  So I made another sonogram appointment for next Monday(after my OB visit) to do a size check of the baby.

   Brother Mike is in CA attending the training. He was really worried about me and asked me if he could go to the training. I told him of course he can go, I will wait for him to come back to have the baby!! And he said, if the baby is coming, he will fly 4 hours immediately to deliver my baby. It was very sweet for him to be so caring. I am not only a patient of him, I am his sister in Christ and he really cares for us. How precious!! I am so glad this time I chose to have him as my OB. Don't know why I didn't do that with my 2 boys.
   So on Monday 7/10 we will set a day for induction. I can't wait to have a day set so I know when baby will come. I still haven't packed my hospital bag, In the meantime, I hope Acacia continues to grow bigger, so she will be nice and big when she enters the world. Well, maybe not as big as her brothers ... ouch!!
   Since daddy took today off we went to Dallas Children Museum in the morning. Daddy has never been there, and he was very surprised to see how small and "sorry" it was. Well, I told him, at least we have one in Dallas. I wish we have one like Houston's or at least Austin's. Ours is so small and so outdated... poor Dallas kids. Today the subject was about Planetarium. The boys did some outerspace crafts, listened to the story and played a little bit (also ate free moon cookies). Then we went to eat lunch then daddy went to have his haircut. I do the boys' haircut but I don't cut daddy's hair very well, of course I blame it to his weird head shape...

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