目前分類:咪咪的廚房 (24)

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Last week when Daddy worked from home for the whole week, we went to MST to have lunch with the boys... to observe how Timothy was doing at his new school. And we found out they both had to wait a long time in line (about 10-15 minutes) to get their lunch.. so that leaves them about 15 minutes to finish their lunch... and for Timothy, it's impossible to finish his lunch in such a short time. (at home he is the slowest eater). So daddy said, let's bring our lunch from home....so... 便當~~~說帶就帶!!

It takes more work for me to prepare the boys' lunch because I want them to have warm food, so I usually have to cook/heat in the mornings. Now I've learnt to prepare parts of the meals at night before I go to bed so I can save some time in the mornings.

So far we have had:
主食: 炒飯,炒麵,水餃,烤雞塊,珈哩飯,Ham & Cheese Sandwitch, Peanut butter/jam             Sandwitch..紅燒肉, 三杯雞.....
附食: 拂手瓜, 玉米, 其他蔬菜....

We use the保溫飯盒, but it can only keep the food warm and not hot... the boys are doing really good in taking their lunch... They haven't complained about it, so for their health I will have to keep doing it. I want to find more recipes.. to give them a good variety of foods so they can eat healthy and still tasty foods.

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哥哥弟弟都愛吃鳳梨酥, 這次回台灣特別去高雄十全二路101號德興食品材料行, 買了模子, 和鳳梨/冬瓜兩種餡. 這家 食品材料行雖小, 但五臟俱全. 


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Today my little princess is 6 months old!!! Too bad she is having a little cold.. probably got it from her 2 brothers. But other than a super running nose, she is still in good mood... look at her nose !


On Tuesday, I decided I would make 燒酒雞, so we went to Sam's to buy a big pack of natural chicken quarters... and at home I cut the chicken into smaller pieces.. and found a wonderful recipe
Then I started cooking according the recipe... it's just SO easy and SO delicious!!!

I was SO excited that now I know how to make
燒酒雞!!!  Then at dinner when daddy came home, he also enjoyed a big bowl of hot 燒酒雞. I used about 4/5 bottle of Taiwan Rice wine, and Japan 麻油.. Next time I will probably use less wine because for some reason it tasted a little salty.. but I know I only put a little bit of salt... 

Anyway, it's just TOO TOO TOO 好吃ㄌ!! Especially in this cold weather..

Now back to Acacia's 6 month old birthday today... grandma asked if we would do any celebration... no, not really, ... but I hope the kids' sickness will go away very soon, so Acacia can have a clear nose again.

This is Acacia So cute,

and Acacia eating carrot!! haha!!

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Finally today I made bread ( 波特吐司 )that looks like bread...
I am so happy!! Today I made 吐司 with raisins and 吐司 with shredded
pork. (see pictures in My Albums). So it really is true,
that practices make it work!!

I got the recipe from:

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