Today Acacia is 9 days old. And Today was supposed to be her due date... and looking at her, I feel like she has always been in our lives... it's hard to imagine life without her!

It's has been great since we came back from the hospital a week ago. Everyone is adjusting well to our new life together and the boys love their sister so much. Everyday they take turns holding Acacia, and they really help me doing little things. Yesterday Acacia's umbilical cord fell off... it's amazing it only took 8 days this time. With the boys it's almost a month before it was off. And soon we can start giving Acacia a real bath... although I doubt she would like it. Everytime I wash her poo poo she cries so hard.. I am not sure why, but I guess she doesn't like it when we take her diaper off.. probably feels unsecure. Ever since she was born she absolutely can't stand a dirty diaper. The minute she has a poo poo she cries so hard, I have to change her diaper IMMEDIATELY. She is a clean little girl. Acacia is really a great baby. She only cries when she is hungry or when she needs her diaper changed. She is never fussy otherwise. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will stay this way.

These 2 days she already starts to smile at us. It's so sweet to see her smile, it just melts our hearts. She can also turn her heads very well to respond to our voices. She is gaining weight because we can see her getting chubbier. During the hospital stay she had nipple confusion, she was sucking on the pacifier so well that she forgot how to nurse, so I had to completely remove her pacifier. Soon she became a great nurser again. I produce a lot of milk, I guess Acacia has a small stomache, so I am producing way more than what she needs, so I am having to pump several times a day. I am not sure what to do with the pumped milk but I don't like being wet all the time so when I don't feel comfortable I just pump the milk out... maybe I will donate the breastmilk to a mom who needs it... like I did before... giving frozen breastmilk to a mom who adopted a baby girl.

Unlike other newborns, Acacia has no problem sleeping at night. She never had the day/night confusion. During day time now she usually is awake about 3- 4 times, and each time she will stay awake for about an hour or so. Then at night she just sleeps... sometimes I would see her eyes open but she is never fussy, just looking around. She sleeps in our bed now so it's really convenient for me, when I hear her rooting sound(those little piggy sounds) I feed her and I continue sleeping at the same time. So I am not sleep-deprived at all. During the day I sometimes don't even feel like napping. This is really great for me... for my 2 boys I always felt so tired during the 1st several months. I guess I am lucky this time around... it began with a super easy delivery and now life is so wonderful. Can't ask for more!

Philip took his final exam last night, he didn't do very well. But he had so much going on, having a new baby, work, school, family..

Today the whole family sneaked out for a brief outing to the Stone Briar mall. I know I am still in "sit month" but I just needed to get out of the house for a breather... Philip took Jacob ice skating for the very 1st time. Jacob fell a lot but he did so well, near the end he had really improved. But the last round both Jacob and daddy fell and got some ouches. Maybe we will take him every once in a while, so he gets better and better. While grandma watched Acacia I took Timothy to take the 旋轉木馬ride. It was only a few minutes but Timothy and I really enjoyed our time alone. Ever since we had the baby I have to put a lot of my time and energy on taking care of Acacia, and I sometimes feel bad I am not spending enough time with the boys. But I am glad the boys have each other as the best companion. They play so well together most of the time and really keep each other occupied.  And they show NO jealousy at all at the baby. They just cherish her and love her. They picked up a nickname for Acacia "蘋果妹妹" because Acacia has this rosy cute face. I told them I was called 小
蘋果 when I was little.

As for Acacia's Chinese name, we still can't decide. I guess it will take some time for us to really settle on a name. Acacia's full English name is Acacia Grace Huang.

I am doing great. I am almost all healed from giving birth. Most of the time I actually feel no different than a regular person. And I still have 3 weeks for trying to relax. I am ok with the tasteless foods. I am used to it, and I am trying to eat according to the book. My mom is cooking all our meals 3 times a day, and I really appreciate her help. Yesterday she said she tries her best to give me a good "月子' because it's my last time having a baby. And she said next life I should still be her daughter so she can take care of me. I was in tears hearing her words. I told her maybe in the next life she should be my daughter and I will take care of her. She is a very loving mother and has sacrificed so much in her life for us. I can't ever have a better mom then she is to me. I am a very lucky person to be her daughter. Now I have my own daughter, I began to realize how much she has loved me and cherished me during these years.

I guess I should end here. It's getting so long.


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