Child's Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
4months • Holds head up steadily  YES
• Can bear weight on legs   YES
• Coos when you talk to him  YES
• Can grasp a toy YES
• Reaches out for objects YES
• Can roll over NOT YET
• Imitates speech  sounds — baba, dadaNOT YET
• May cut first tooth NOT YET
• May be ready for solids NOT YET

Today was a busy morning. At 8:30 I took Timothy for his teeth cleaning, and he was extremely good(he asked to bring his own Thomas the Tank DVD so he watched the movie while his teeth were cleaned and checked out). Of course we had to buy donuts as reward.. I am glad he doesn't have cavity yet.. which is strange because he loves sweets.

Both yesterday and today Jacob stayed home because he's running a low grade fever which started on Sunday night. I hope this is a 72 hour thing and that it will pass by quickly without other symptoms.

We took Acacia for her 4 month old checkup and everything was great. We had to wait a LONG LONG LONG time for the doctor. And there were other sick children in the waiting room, I could only pray their germs didn't get to us. Acacia is 15 lbs 1 oz (80 %), she is very tall at 26 and 1/4 inches(100%), and her head circum. is 50% , same as last time. I was hoping to get combination shots, but she still got 4 seperate shots for 5 vaccines. I don't understand, but in Taiwan parents can request for 5合1 shots and we in the most developed country USA don't get the advanced shots? My poor little girl didn't like her shots at all, but as soon as I picked her up she was all smiles again. I hope she won't get any reaction to the shots this time. Fingers crossed!

Dr. Cole said I can start giving her water 1-2 oz at a time since she is ready for it... at we can start rice cereal at 5 months and vegetables/fruits at 6 months. I guess she thinks Acacia is ready because she can hold her head really well, but I am not going to give her any water yet. And maybe  I will wait until she is 6 months old to start baby food. I am in no hurry and I know it will be better if we delay her baby food since we already know Jacob is allergic to so many things.


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