On Sunday Jacob turned 6 years old. I can't believe he is so big already. He also decided he is big enough to go to sleep without the training pants. Me and Philip have been taking turns waking him up at night to go potty, and until today it's been successful. Jacob does very well, I just need to tap on him and he is up immediately from sleep to go to the restroom. I am very proud of him willing to try to be night trained. Because he is a very deep sleeper, it was hard for him to get up and go potty when he was younger. Hopefully very soon we won't need to help him get up at all. But it's a great beginning.

We didn't do much to celebrate, because we want to keep it a family matter. We went to La Madiline to buy 2 fruit tarts, and 1 tarimasu for me, but when we got home, Jacob was only interested in MY Tarimasu. Since he was the birthday star, daddy said he could choose anything he wanted... so I missed my favorite, but we got to lit the candles and sang happy birthday to our big boy. He was happy, singing "happy birthday to ME" all along.

Jacob also got to talk to 公公 on the phone. He has been telling me when he goes back to Taiwan next time, he wants to go ride the motorcycle with
公公 to eat the yummy 粽子。 I miss all the foods in Taiwan. Although we won't be able to go back this year, hopefully next year will come soon. And we will bring the baby along.

Philip started UTD classes last week, and on every Tuesday and Wednesday he gets home late, and the boys won't be able to see daddy before bed. Although I kind of feel lonely and wish he could be home more, I realize it's a great benefit from the company and he should take advantage of it, getting FREE MBA degree. He already finished about 1/3 of the classes, and it won't be long before the other 2/3 is finished. I think he will break the world records, having 4 masters' degrees!!! The more the better of course, in today's cruel corporate America.

Tomorrow night Jacob will sing in a music program of MST kindergarten & 1st graders. I can't wait to see him perform!

This morning I went for my yoga class, and I am beginning to like the teacher. She is not fast-paced as I was used to, but she has a good flow of the movements and once I get used to her it will be good.

Our whole tank of fish are sick with white spots, which according to the petstore person is called "ich". It can be caused by sudden temperature changes or other factors. I bought the solution to put into the water and turned on the heater, hopefully it will help the fish heal. One fish didn't make it...


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