Well, as the weeks went by, I am getting bigger and bigger. I don't like to stand on the scale anymore because everytime I do, there is weight gain. Actually comparing to last time, I am doing pretty well, but I just don't understand why... I am not eating more, I sill exercise, and no matter what I do, my body gains weight (like it has its own mind). I blame it mostly to water retention since I am swollen in my legs, feet, and even fingers by the end of the day. In an hour I am going in for my 31 week checkup... I wonder what brother Mike will say about the weight gain and I am going to ask him when to set up an induction date... in about 8 weeks or less our little princess will make her debut. I can't wait!!

Jacob started his level 2 swimming lesson yesterday morning. The teachers seems pretty good because Jacob was pretty cooperative and was willing to try floating on his back instantly. There were only 3 kids in his class and one bigger boy didn't even want to put his head into the water, I think he would have to go back to level 1 for some basics... that leaves 2 kids in Jacob's class.. which is great because it's actually semi-private lesson with a group class rate.

Yesterday at yoga class I realized I couldn't do most of the poses anymore... sunside rotation is really hard now because the tummy is in the way.. and I miss all the inversion poses.. but I still tried to do as much as I can. Maybe I should stop yoga and start swimming instead.

Yesterday was 端午節 in Taiwan. I really like to eat some yummy 粽子, so I ask my mom to make some this Saturday. This is why I miss Taiwan so much, so many good foods to eat.

The boys enjoy each other at home. But once in a while they would offend each other. But I can tell they have a lot of fun being together. I am truly glad they are so close in age and can be each other's companion. As for Acacia, I think sometimes she will feel lonely being the only girl and so much younger than her brothers, but she should enjoy her 2 noisy and rough brother as well. Can't wait to see how they 3 interact with each other.

I've been watching "baby story" on TV, everytime I see a baby emerging into the world I would cry. Such a miracle. This time I hope I will feel more actively involved with the whole labor and birth process. I get Braxton Hicks everyday now. My body is starting to prepare for the birthing. It's weird I don't have control over my body. It does its own things... I just have to go with the flow


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