 It has certainly been a long week for all of us since Daddy went back to work and Jacob started school. With only me and Timothy and Acacia at home, I am actually more tired. Timothy asked me about 20 times a day "What should I do? I am so bored". I have to come up with ideas for him to be occupied with, and he really missed his big brother to play with him. This week for some reason Acacia has been a little fussier than before, when she was awake, she wants to be held the whole time, she doesn't like to be left in the bassinet or the stroller. And it's been hard for her to fall asleep during the daytime. I guess I can't really complain because she sleeps so well at night.

Last night was the 1st night Acacia didn't poop. I was very amazed. It's much easier just changing her pee diapers 2-3 times during the night. And I have to confess I am going back to disposible diapers. Cloth diapering is just so hard, it's so hot on Acacia and all the washing and drying is adding up.. taking so much more time and energy. I think I will wait a little while when the weather is cooler, maye I will like it better then. Right now the weather is still like 106 F degrees outside and even in the air-conditioned house it's still warm.

Sometimes I use the baby sling I bought from Erin(a mom I got to know through BBS), and Acacia really likes it, usually within 1 minute I put her in, she falls asleep. But it gets warm wearing Acacia so I can't do it for too long a time. Once again, maybe when the weather is cooler....

Acacia is growing bigger and bigger each day. I can see it in front of my eyes. I already feel 捨不得 watching her growing up. No matter how much I try to treasure each moment, time still flies by like a rocket. I wish I could control when I want to pause the time machine. She has already outgrown some 0-3 month onesies. In this picture below Acacia looks exactly like me when I was a little baby.  But most people still say she looks like her daddy. I guess we will find out  in a few months... either way, I will be happy!  She is the fruit of our love.

On one hand I can't wait for Timothy to start school, on the other hand, I am going to miss him very much, just like how I miss my Jacob during the day this week. I am such a wimp... I just love and adore my boys. Yesterday me and Timothy had a conversation, he said "I can't wait to buy a big house so I can live in there by myself". I said "don't you want to live with me and daddy forever? "  He said "no". I said, "then can I go live with you? " He said, "no, you can live in your own house"... by this time I was heartbroken. Then I asked if I can go over once in a while to live with him, he thought about it for a while and finally said "ok!"  I guess one day my kids will all leave the house and we will be empty-nested. And I can't imagine that day coming. I wish I could take care of them for a very long time and they will be this little and totally dependent on me. I know I have some big lessons to learn to let go. One day my kids will be full grown birds that fly away to build their own nests.

I've been using our new Sony T9 camera to take pictures. It works very well and I am so happy to have a digital camera again.

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