We came back from our trip to Memphis TN on Monday night. It was a very happy trip, except for Jacob getting his left foot hurt on the last night before we came back.

on Friday(11/4):
Daddy came home after 2 pm from work, we hurriedly loaded our stuff unto the van, and we went to pick up Jacob at school. We drove for a very long 7 hours, only stopping to buy dinner and use the restroom. We could tell there were lots of tall trees by the highway but since it was dark we couldn't see how it's like.
We finally arrived at brother 劉峙 and 華露's house, it was already 11pm. 樂樂 was still awake waiting for us. The boys played for a while and almost everyone was so tired but too excited to go to bed.
華露 prepared some chicken soup for us to eat, very yummy and warmed our hearts. We set up the air bed and the boys were still too excited they talked and giggled until after 1am to finally drift off.

on Saturday(11/5):
The boys woke up early, they couldn't wait to play with
樂樂. We had a big breakfast... but one thing I shouldn't have eaten was scrambled eggs which caused stomache ache later on. Jacob was so good, he did his math homework for the day!!
華露 prepared lots of food to bring for the picnic by the lake.
劉峙's coworker(a couple with a 1 year old girl) came to meet us and we left for the lake in a small town in AK. The trip was about 1.5 hours long, and I had a stomache in the car, not too bad but very uncomfortable. 華露 told me her mom also had gallbladder taken out and also I got some very helpful info, like the kinds of foods I should avoid... The boys had fun talking and playing and eating snacks with a little disagreements here and there. Acacia slept a lot during the trip and was such a good baby. 樂樂 and Timothy fought for her attention the whole time.

With a little getting lost we finally arrived at the lake... what a beautiful sight! The leaves were turning fall colors and the lake was shinning under the sun. But it was still a little chilly for picnic. So we changed to another spot, much better. About a hour later the sun fully came out and was much warmer. We started to eat, but realized
華露 forgot to bring forks and spoons and bowls... just at this right time another family arrived with utensils... They were saints as well. We all had a great time chatting and eating. The weather was getting perfect! After picnic we wanted to see another lake.. but we couldn't find it so we headed home. It was already 5pm, and we had to get ready for the love feast and small group meeting in the meeting home at 6pm.

Of course we were late for the love feast, but it was nice to see the church in Memphis. Only a small house right next to University of Memphis, but a brightly shinning golden lampstand for the Lord!!
We got home and chatted some then we went to bed, knowing a full busy day was coming!

on Sunday(11/6):

劉峙 took us to see their new house before we went to the meeting. They will be moving in another 2 weeks. The house is very close to the Shleby park, which is very big and nice!! There was a lake in the park with boats and we even saw some buffalos(with a baby buffalo nursing from his mommy)!! The leaves are turning colors and the scenery just looked beautiful.

We couldn't get into the house but it looked very nice! Next time we come we will be in their new house, how exciting! Praise the Lord for preparing everything for our brother and siser who love you and serve you.

We got to the meeting hall and the kids joined right in with their classes. I enjoyed the meeting because a lot of saints shared and it was a very rich meeting.

After the meeting we went to eat DimSum... lots of people in line so we had to wait for about 20 minutes. We bought 2 steel pans in the super market next door while waiting, since all the non-stick pans are supposed to be bad for the health. We quickly ate lunch then headed to the Memphis zoo to see panda!!

Wow!! What a big and nice zoo!! There was a sea lion show which was very interesting, we saw lots of animals...some very special, like polar bears, ostrich, and of course, the amazing pandas. It's the 1st time our family got to see a panda live. They were eating bamboo leaves, and SO cute!! Acacia also enjoyed looking around in the pouch.

Sister Grace took us out to eat Korean food for dinner, spicy and yummy. The boys loved the fried rice and Timothy enjoyed the seafood pancake a lot. We enjoyed the fellowship with Grace and her mom was a very kind and warm grandma.

After we got home, we talked to brother Samual and Shan Shan, it has been a long time since we last talked to them. We surely miss their family! They were surprised to know we have our 3rd child, a girl. We skyped some pictures we took for them to see. And they sound as near and dear as we were face to face. It's been 3 years since they moved from Dallas to Davis, CA and we miss them!! While we were still talking over Skype, Jacob hurt his left foot playing on the exercise bike. His foot became very swollen and looked very scary. He cried and cried. I almost wanted to take him to an emergency room. Daddy was very worried, but we found out from Grandma that we should apply ice to the area. Jacob didn't like having the ice on his hurt foot, but daddy insisted. After a while it was a little better, so we called it a night.

On Monday we headed home, feeling very happy about this trip. It was raining and cold, thank the Lord it was great weather all weekend. Daddy drove most of the trip back and I had to hold Acacia for the whole time...7+ hours. She didn't like to be in the car seat at all.

The next time we will take a family is probably going to be next year in March when we will go to Connecticut for snow skiing!! YEAH!!

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