
What is acid reflux disease?

Acid reflux disease (ARD) occurs when stomach acid used for digestion repeatedly backs up, or refluxes, into the esophagus. Acid reflux disease is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

How heartburn happens

When you eat, millions of tiny pumps in your stomach produce the acid that helps you digest food. Unfortunately, stomach acid can flow back into your esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. This usually happens when the valve between your stomach and esophagus (called the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES) does not work properly.

Normally, this valve opens to allow food and liquids to enter the stomach, and it closes to keep acid and food in the stomach. But if it doesn't close all the way or if it opens too often, stomach acid can move up into your esophagus. And with continued exposure to stomach acid, the esophagus may become irritated and possibly damaged, a condition known as erosive esophagitis.

Is it heartburn or acid reflux disease?

Persistent heartburn two or more days a week, despite treatment and diet changes, could be acid reflux disease. Since heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux disease affect different people in different ways, it's important to talk to your doctor. Only your doctor can diagnose acid reflux disease and determine if there is any damage to your esophagus.

Symptoms of acid reflux disease

Acid reflux disease affects different people in many different ways. Persistent heartburn is the most common symptom, but other possible acid reflux disease symptoms include:

  • Stomach acid rising
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Burning in the throat
  • Pain or burning in the chest
  • Waking up at night because of heartburn
以上五點症狀, 我有
我先來吃幾天看有沒有好轉.. 看醫生真的很麻煩阿..

胃食道逆流(Gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD) 

當你常感覺到嘴巴有酸苦感、胸部灼熱感、莫名的聲音沙啞或乾咳,胃食道逆流是必需要想到的疾病之一。正常的狀況下,胃中的食物或液體因為賁門的關閉 而不會逆流上來,當賁門關閉不緊、腸胃阻塞、腹壓過高(如:懷孕)、或是刺激性的食物或藥物時,便有可能使得逆流發生。平時可能只是會造成民眾稍許的不舒 服,不過長期慢性的胃食道逆流有可能會造成食道炎、或是逆流的物質跑到氣管而引起長期的沙啞、乾咳、甚至肺炎或氣喘


  • 飯後不立刻躺下、盡量不要在睡前飲食、或是將枕頭墊高。
  • 避免暴飲暴食、或減少油炸、酒類、咖啡因等刺激性食物。
  • 肥胖者減重以減少腹壓。
腰瘦...看來, 我得先暫停最愛的咖啡...還要減肥!!!!!

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