Just some thoughts...

(1) Loving the name of the Lord: last night at our home meeting, we read about how to pray in the Lord's name. I really enjoyed that the Lord's name is the name above all names. His name denotes his person. We have to live in His presence in order to pray in His name. It's a practical living, not a superstitious way to end a prayer with His name. Oh Lord Jesus. I want to live in you, and abide in you. I don't want to live a vain living without being one with you. Lord Jesus I love you.

(2) Acacia: Acacia is such a bright little girl. She is eager to learn things. Everyday she asks when she can go to school. I think after we come back from TW in the fall, I will let her start school. She enjoys being with other kids her age, and she is like a sponge, so ready to soak in things.

(3) I want to adjust my way of daily living. I want to spend more time on the word, less time in doing things that will perish. May the Lord strengthen me into my inner man. Lord attract me with your beautiful self, so all my earthly love will drop gradually.

(4) Raising my kids.. The boys are getting good grades from school. I still struggle sometimes to deal with their "growing" attitude. Timothy is a lot better now with using his voice correctly. He also needs to learn to express his feelings in a more communicative way.. not screaming. Ever since 3 weeks ago daddy said he would get a new toy if he didn't scream for 2 weeks, he hasn't screamed. He cried hard once but it's already a huge improvement. May the Lord be his comfort and his guide.

(5) Love my yoga classes!! Especially Thursdays !! The Indian woman teacher is excellent!! She doesn't waste a minute, she knows exactly every muscle in human body to be worked. Also love her way of life philosophy.. every word she says is so wise. I really really enjoy her!


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