今天是弟弟同學Mason四歲生日, 我們去參加他在MainEvent辦的保齡球派對, 還蠻好玩的.
剛開始兄弟二人都不太想玩, 一等到丟出第一球才發現很有趣, 就迫不及待等到再輪一次.
我們尚傑還打出二個strike哩, 真是太有天份了....弟弟一直等著要吃蛋糕, 我告訴他
要認真打完才有的吃, 他還真不賴, 一個小蘿蔔頭竟打了第二名(哥哥第一名woohoo!!),

Then we ate pizza, ate the cake & cookie, played a bunch of games,
won some little prizes...then went home happily. We spent 3.5 hours
in there!! Pretty fun event! American parents are willing to spend
tons of money for their kids' birthday parties. I can't figure out
why... I think it's almost competitive for them to do so. I figured
Mason's parents spent at least $200-$350 for today's party. As for
us.. we had a great time and spent about $15 for gift. :0)


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