目前分類:尚豪 Timothy (27)

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......... HAHA!! It's Timothy in shower after swimming!

We want to take the boys swimming now especially in the winter, so they get some exercise and it helps Jacob's lungs. The water is not too cold, and the boys enjoy playing in the water. Well now Daddy is on business trip, we have to wait a few days. And I plan on enrolling both boys in swimming lessons, hope Timothy will do ok.. he is slowly learning to get his head under water!

This is what Acacia thinks about watching her 2 brothers swimming AND getting water on her face!!

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Timothy had his 5th birthday on Oct. 15. we celebrated for him by having a small party, we invited some children, and their parents came also. We made our own cake... a chocolate cake since Timothy loves chocolate. The cake was designed by the boys and had Disney Cars decorations. We all pitched in making the cake. Even Daddy decorated the cake after it's done. Timothy got a lot of toys... and he had lots of fun.I can't believe my baby boy is already 5. How fast time has flown by. I can still remember the day when he was born. I am grateful to this day because Jacob made me a mother, and Timothy made me a better mom. Now we have Acacia, life can't be better.

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 Timothy waited and waited.. and finally today was his turn to go to school. I took him and Acacia to visit his new teacher, Ms. Phyllis and his new classroom.. the classroom is a lot bigger than his old one, and there are even pets inside (2 gerbles and a fish tank). Timothy immediately started playing with the stuff on the table and didn't even have time to say goodbye to us. I was a little sad to not have Timothy with me during the morning but he seemed to enjoy school so much. I then took Acacia to Target to return some stuff and it started raining cats and dogs... so we had to stay inside shopping for a while She did really well, except pooping once and having to nurse once. I bought some ham and a lettuce so Timothy can have sandwitch at school tomorrow for lunch.

Yesterday was the 1st time Acacia went to the Lord's day meeting. Everyone was excited to see her and I was so happy to go to the meeting hall after a one long month!! I didn't get to sit in  the meeting because Acacia was so busy feeding, pooping and crying so I stayed in the nursery for the whole time, but at least I got to see the saints!

Last night after dinner daddy me and the boys went for a walk(Jacob rode his scooter). It had just rained so it wasn't as hot... but I wore the wrong kind of shoes(sandles) so I couldn't walk as fast as them. Timothy kept calling me "mommy, are you a fat pig? Slow poke?" and daddy was laughing ,.. and I wasn't really mad but a little upset that even Timothy feels mommy is fat... I am determined to lose all these baby fat somehow...  :)

I am going to take a nap now Acacia is finally sleeping... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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 Now Jacob is in school, Timothy keeps saying "it's boring"... I know, the house is so quiet without Jacob. I try to find things for Timothy to do, like coloring. drawing, listening to stories, doing homeworks, watching a little TV, playing some computer... but he is still bored. I can't imagine people with 1 child, how they entertain their only child. I am surely glad my boys have each other as companions.

These 2 days it's been hard for Acacia to fall asleep and stay asleep during the day. I am not sure why.. maybe it's because I am trying cloth diapers, and the pocket diapers I bought look so hot for this summer time. I am not sure if I like it too much. I will try a few more days then if I still don't fall in love with CD I will sell them all and just go with disposible diapers.  During the night Acacia still sleeps very well, only making noises when she needs to nurse or have her diaper changed. This is great for me, I am not sleep-deprived at all, I don't even need any naps during the day.

Daddy bought a new digital camera (sony T9) which is wonderful. He ordered it yesterday and I can't wait to receive in the mail so we can start taking pictures. My mom's digital camera which we were borrowing had some problem so we sent it in for repair, and ours stopped working last month for some reason. I think for a digital camera it has about 2 year life span in our household. because we don't stop our kids using the camera, we actually encourage them taking pictures because they are good at it and it's neat to see things through their angles.

I am 9 days away from finishing "sit month". I am starting to eat some regular foods(just less or no salt), and it's ok with me. I am actually a little tired of the meats I've been eating. I am also starting to drink more water. It's impossible to not drink water in this hot Texas weather!!

This morning Timothy's teacher, Miss Phyllis, came to visit him. It was at 11am and he was so excited the whole morning and kept asking why she wasn't here yet. Miss Phyllis read him a story " the hungry caterpillar" and asked Timothy to draw 2 pages, and took 2 pictures of him and we chatted a little. T can't wait to start school.. and it's still almost 2 weeks away... I think very soon I will start taking him out, maybe to the library or something so he doesn't feel so bored at home.

I am pumping a lot less now. Usually only 2-3 times a day.. and for a few minutes each time, only to relieve engorgement since Acacia still only feeds on 1 side each time. It's amazing this time around I didn't get any bleeding, cracking breastfeeding. Overall having my 3rd child has been a lot easier than my previous experiences, almost in every way.

I can't wait to start yoga again and getting back to some shape. I still have this flappy tummy and all these extra pounds to lose. Maybe next week I will start going.. and T can have some fun in the child center, but I want to leave Acacia home with my mom so timing will be the key..  we will see. Acacia still hasn't had any bottles and she absolutely doesn't want to take the pacifier... she only loves mommy !!

Jacob said his new teacher "很兇", because one girl in his class kept saying bad things and wouldn't follow instructions. And also they don't have rest time anymore because now they are older. I hope he has a good learning experience this year with this teacher, because last year he really enjoyed his teacher. Daddy said his new classroom is a little smaller and most of the kids in his class are not caucatians. Which is fine and good actually because he will be exposed to different kinds of people and learn to get along with different cultural backgrounded people.

Next Friday we are going in to get our "fingerprints" done for getting citizenship. We are amazed how quickly the process is moving and how lucky we are.

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今天是弟弟同學Mason四歲生日, 我們去參加他在MainEvent辦的保齡球派對, 還蠻好玩的.
剛開始兄弟二人都不太想玩, 一等到丟出第一球才發現很有趣, 就迫不及待等到再輪一次.
我們尚傑還打出二個strike哩, 真是太有天份了....弟弟一直等著要吃蛋糕, 我告訴他
要認真打完才有的吃, 他還真不賴, 一個小蘿蔔頭竟打了第二名(哥哥第一名woohoo!!),

Then we ate pizza, ate the cake & cookie, played a bunch of games,
won some little prizes...then went home happily. We spent 3.5 hours
in there!! Pretty fun event! American parents are willing to spend
tons of money for their kids' birthday parties. I can't figure out
why... I think it's almost competitive for them to do so. I figured
Mason's parents spent at least $200-$350 for today's party. As for
us.. we had a great time and spent about $15 for gift. :0)

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Today is Timothy's 4 year old birthday!! Happy birthday, mommy's little boy!

In the morning near noon we went to a park where the church was having a
children's outing. There were a lot of people, and some sisters prepared
several games/activities for the kids to play. Everyone had a good time,
except for me, for some reason I was very sleepy.

Yesterday I went to the pumpkin patch field trip with Timothy's class. We
picked up 3 pumpkins(3 different sizes), Timothy kept asking to go home, I
guess he didn't have much interest on the pumpkins, or because he was still
not fully recovered.

Cherie and I went to Albertson's to buy a cake for Timothy. It was not too
sweet, very unusual for American cakes. And it's got fresh strawberries, even
pudding cream in the middle layer :0) Jacob and Timothy blew the candles
together. A very low-key but sweet birthday.


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We have 2 little artists at home. They really love to draw. Timothy can
draw dozens of drawings in a day. And they are really good at it too. Unlike
me, I have never liked art so much. Philip gave me a really good suggestion, to take a picture of the kids' each drawing, and I will be able to save these prescious pictures forever. And I can post them here too!! :0) Another note, I am SO SO SO MAD at our fitness club. We joined last year, mainly because we wanted to encourage the boys to swim, since Jaocb has asthma, swimming is the best sport for him. According to researches, breathing near the water level is very good for his lungs. Ok, back to what I am so mad about. Ever since last month the club started "winter" family hours, which greatly reduced the familily swimmin hours, we used to be able to go swiming after Jacob's school, now they only open from 12-3pm, also 2 nights a week, which is almost impossible since on Friday night we have small group meeting... and during the weekend we are always so busy. OK, we were there at the club tonight and all of a sudden the pool was closed due to chemical inbalance!! And the worst thing was they had terrible customer service. They really didn't care what we members feel and think. The manager even said if you want to cancel tonight here is the form!!! I AM SO ANGRY! URGH!! but the sad thing is that we really can't do anything to change their policies, all they see is $$$$$$, they won't care how we feel. I try to go to yoga classes 2 times a week, and it has really helped my backaches. I guess we will have to stick with this terrible club. Because it's the only one so far that allows the kids to swim in the pool. SIGH.

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