目前分類:媽媽的心事 (104)

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It's been a long time, since I had any energy to write a new post. My stomache problem finally seems to leave me and now I am "only" left with a little cold(sore throat, cough). But Grandma just started to feel sick last night... so I guess our household is still not 100% recovered.

Last Lord's day we went to Denton for the meeting, and I was so glad to see all the dear brothers and sisters. We went to Tom & Rita's after meeting for lunch, and the boys had fun playing with their girls(they have 3). It's a strange feeling, Denton seems to stand still in time, feels like nothing has changed in that small town although more than 10 years have passed by... maybe one day we will move back to Denton, it sure feels like home.

Acacia will be 2 months old in a few days. I still can't believe she is already this big. And of course it feels like she has been with us for years, not just 2 months. She is now awake a lot during the day, and she is starting to coo(I LOVE her girly sound). She is also smiling a lot more now, especially after her diaper is changed She now usually goes to bed on her tummy, which helps her to sleep deeper and longer. And she loves to be held ALL the time. She still has rash on her face, and I am starting to believe it's eczema, just like what Jacob had when he was a baby. I stopped using cortizone creme and just put lotion on her dry parts.

Acacis has a good control of her head, which is pretty amazing at this early age. She is getting chubby and we all start to call her "little piggy sister".

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 Today we went to have our fingerprints done for the process of applying USA citizenship. We took Timothy and Acacia because I was afraid Acacia would be hungry at home with my mom. It was a poor-looking office, and full of people in line. But we really didin't have to wait a long time, the whole process took about 1 hour. But that 1 hour felt like a year because Acacia was fussy, hungry and had a poopy diaper. Thankfully the staff there weren't mad at us. The computer captured all 10 fingerprints(the whole area), our fingers were rolled from left to right. I think they are doing this to try to avoid another event like 911. Now we are just waiting to be interviewed, it should take only a few months. We were given a booklet to study the "facts" about US history and government.

Last night daddy and I had some arguments, and we both ended up very upset. I wonder if I have those 'post-partum' depression because a lot of times I feel upset for no obvious reasons. I need to practice to call on the Lord often so my mind can be set on the spirit, not on other things.

Acacia's baby acne is getting a little better, hopefully they will all clear up soon so we have a beautiful baby again. I surely miss her smooth skin on the face.

This morning daddy took the boys to buy Krysti Kream donuts and came back with a dozen!! Too sweet for me. But I guess once in a while is ok. We will go to daddy's coworker's house to play in a little bit. They also have 3 kids, exactly like ours, 2 boys and a baby girl. Very similar to our family, their boys are both 1 month younger than ours, and this time they got their baby girl a few months before us. Too bad we don't live very closely otherwise we can play together often. They gave us a used swing and stroller.

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   有一個美麗的小女孩,她的名字叫做佘艷,她有一雙亮晶晶的大眼睛,她有一顆透亮的童心。她是一個孤兒,她在這個世界上只活了8年,她留在這個世界上最後 的話是“我來過我很乖”。她希望死在秋天,纖瘦的身體就像一朵花自然開謝的過程。在遍地黃花堆積,落葉空中旋舞時候,她會看見橫空遠行雁兒們。她自願放棄 治療,把全世界華人捐給她的54萬元救命錢分成了7份,把生命當成希望的蛋糕分別給了7個正徘徊在生死線的小朋友。




   家住四川省雙流縣三星鎮雲崖村二組的佘仕友當時30歲,因為家裏窮一直找不到對象,如果要收養這個孩子,恐怕就更沒人願意嫁進家門了。看著懷中小貓一樣 嚶嚶哭泣的嬰兒,佘仕友幾次放下又抱起,轉身走又回頭,這個小生命已經渾身冰冷哭聲微弱,再沒人管只怕隨時就沒命了!咬咬牙,他再次抱起嬰兒,嘆了一口 氣:“我吃什麼,你就跟我吃什麼吧。”

  佘仕友給孩 子取名叫佘艷,因為她是秋天豐收季節出生的孩子。單身漢當起了爸爸,沒有母乳,也買不起奶粉,就只好喂米湯,所以佘艷從小體弱多病,但是非常乖巧懂事。春 去春又回,如同苦藤上的一朵小花,佘艷一天天長大了,出奇得聰明乖巧,鄉鄰都說撿來的娃娃智商高,都喜歡她。儘管從小就多病,在爸爸的擔驚受怕中,佘艷慢 慢地長大了。


   上小學了,佘艷知道自己要好學上進要考第一名,不識字的爸爸在村裏也會臉上有光,她從沒讓爸爸失望過。她給爸爸唱歌,把學校裏發生的趣事一樣一樣講給爸 爸聽,把獲得的每一朵小紅花仔仔細細貼在墻上,偶爾還會調皮地出道題目考倒爸爸……每當看到爸爸臉上的笑容,她會暗自滿足:“雖然不能像別的孩子一樣也有 媽媽,但是能跟爸爸這樣快樂地生活下去,也很幸福了。”

   2005年5月開始,她經常流鼻血。有一天早晨,佘艷正欲洗臉,突然發現一盆清水變得紅紅的,一看,是鼻子裏的血正向下滴,不管採用什麼措施,都止不 住。實在沒辦法,佘仕友帶她去鄉衛生院打針,可小小的針眼也出血不止,她的腿上還出現大量“紅點點”,醫生說,“趕快到大醫院去看!”來到成都大醫院,可 正值會診高峰,她排不上輪次。獨自坐在長椅上按住鼻子,鼻血像兩條線直往下掉,染紅了地板。他覺得不好意思,只好端起一個便盆接血,不到10分鐘,盆子裏 的血就盛了一半。


   這種病的醫療費是非常昂貴的,費用一般需要30萬元!佘仕友懵了。看著病床上的女兒,他沒法想太多,他只有一個念頭:救女兒!借遍了親戚朋友,東拼西湊 的錢不過杯水車薪,距離30萬實在太遠,他決定賣掉家裏唯一還能換錢的土坯房。可是因為房子太過破舊,一時找不到買主。







   第二天,爸爸叫上姑姑陪著佘艷來到鎮上,花30元給佘艷買了兩套新衣服,佘艷自己選了一套粉紅色的短袖短褲,姑姑給她選了一套白色紅點的裙子,她試穿上 身就捨不得脫下來。三人來到照相館,佘艷穿著粉紅色的新衣服,雙手比著V字手勢,努力地微笑,最後還是忍不住掉下淚來。



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 Last night starting at 8pm I started to have stomache pain... they were not contractions for the 1st 2 hours or so because they had no break in between and I was sure it's something I ate for dinner(probably 苦瓜), by the time Philip got home from school at around 10pm, I think contractions started to come... of course in bewteen I had vomitted and also 拉肚子 several times... VERY uncomfortable. When I realized they were contraction pains I started timing them... not regular at all... and it lasted until 2am and I finally drifted off to sleep.. then only to be awaken by pain at 4am. Really a terrible night. But by 5am the pain was all gone... ok they must have been just those practicing "false" contractions... braxton hicks. I really don't need to practice ok? I am a pro already(being the 3rd pregnancy), so contractions, just come when it's real labor... no more practicing rehearsals for me PLEASE!! 

Jacob lost his front tooth this afternoon while watching TV with his brother. Well, actually Timothy's foot hit Jacob's tooth accidentally and knocked the loose tooth off... it was actually pretty funny thinking about it. Of course Jacob was a little scared when he saw a tooth on his clothes and ran to me crying.... I made lots of positive comments about it and wash the tooth and put it in the tooth storage thing our dentist gave him last time. I am glad this loose tooth finally came off... Timothy certainly did a good job knocking it off !! I told Jacob he should be very proud to lose another baby tooth... especially the front one... that means he is growing up ! And we can already see the new tooth coming out. Neat!

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The home stretch waiting is driving me crazy!! I feel like I want the baby NOW!! The baby is getting bigger each day and I am getting more and more uncomfortable. My pelvic bones hurt so much, because the baby's head is coming down gradually and sitting right on top of it. I can't sleep at night because there is absolutely no position that's comfortable. I know my body is being prepared for the after birth sleepless nights but still... I want to get some sleep before the baby comes!!!

Yesterday morning I went in for 35th week checkup... everything is perfect as usual. The baby's heartbeat was 158/minute, and she is again measuring big, 36 cm (2 weeks ahead). I told brother Mike I would really want to have the baby now... and he said, no, still too early... I know I know... just hoping I don't have to wait too much longer. Brother Mike recalculated my due date and based on the sonogram taken on Monday the new due date is 7/22, so maybe I will have the baby in the middle of July... Oh I can't wait!!! Today I am feeling better... I've decided I need to let Acacia grow as big as possible before she comes out so she has the best possible health and no matter how big she gets I will be able to push her out... I shouldn't be selfish and want her to be lighter weighted... last time I could push out an almost 9 pounder, this time I can surely do it.

And I decided to stop worrying about the need to clean our house thoroughly before the baby arrives. She will not know anyway(all she will do is eat and sleep and maybe cry)!! With her 2 big brothers messing the house everyday it's impossible to keep it all nice and clean. Plus I will be at the hospital for 2-3 days... I won't be able to control those days when I am away... so I should relax and not try to pick up every little thing on the floor and get frustrated by that.

I will need to pack a bag for the hospital in the coming weeks. I want to look more presentable this time after birth, maybe bring some makeup and regular clothes. Last time I was in pajamas the whole time and didn't look good at all in the pictures... haha

Jacob finished his level 2 swimming lessons. This year we won't go to more lessons because time is running out... and I will just take them swimming and have fun. His free style strokes look really awesome!! Even better then me!! He just needs to work on breathing.. but I can't ask for too much, his teacher said for a 6 year old he is doing much more advanced then average kids. I am so proud of him. He is such a good learner and works hard to do good. He also finished grade 1 math(additions). Last night we went to Barnes & Noble to buy a grade 2 math practice book(substrations) for him. He is excited to do math everyday and his level 5 hooked on phonics is almost done too.. when he finishes level 5 he will be equal to an 8 year old level. Wow!! What an achievement!!

Timothy on the other hand only likes to draw.. he is not too interested in learning phonics yet. I don't want to push him because I know he is still young for that and he already knows all the letter phonic sounds and learning to recognize words when he sees them.

Our ice cream store is almost ready to open. Today people are doing the final touch -ups and if customers come they can buy. Finally. I hope the Lord will bless our investment and this small business will be for His interest. Although we are co-owners of the store, we won't be able to eat for free because we all need to be fair. It will be hard to let the boys realize they can't ask for free ice cream everytime we go in the store. We also need to pay!! Philip was joking maybe we should print our own "buy all for free" coupon!!

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I am so excited tomorrow we will get to see baby again on the sonogram. I wonder how much she will weigh... I really don't believe she is bigger than what she's supposed to weigh. I think I've been measuring large due to the way I carry... and the maybe extra layer of fat I've had on my tummy :0) Oh we will see. I am having mixed feelings, on the one hand, I don't want to have the baby too early, I want her to be fully grown and come out all healthy, but on the other hand, I am so uncomfortable(especially at night I can hardly sleep now) that I want to be done being pregnant!!

Today at the church several people asked : "one more week?"... well, actually 1 more month!! These past few days I feel my tummy has dropped a little. just a little but I can see it a little different now. Baby is SUPER active at night, last night there were 2 times where she was just jumping around, kicking hard on my ribcage and I couldn't do anything to stop her. I could only wait for her to finish her gymnastics exercises...

Our ice cream store should open in a week or so, yesterday Philip was so busy transporting the ice cream from storage to the store. Tom and some other brothers were also working hard to try to set up things in the store. I hope the Lord will bless our investment and keep the brothers who are involved in oneness.

Alex turned 29 this week. I can't believe my little brother is already so "old" haha.

ok. I should report again tomorrow after our sonogram.

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Well, as the weeks went by, I am getting bigger and bigger. I don't like to stand on the scale anymore because everytime I do, there is weight gain. Actually comparing to last time, I am doing pretty well, but I just don't understand why... I am not eating more, I sill exercise, and no matter what I do, my body gains weight (like it has its own mind). I blame it mostly to water retention since I am swollen in my legs, feet, and even fingers by the end of the day. In an hour I am going in for my 31 week checkup... I wonder what brother Mike will say about the weight gain and I am going to ask him when to set up an induction date... in about 8 weeks or less our little princess will make her debut. I can't wait!!

Jacob started his level 2 swimming lesson yesterday morning. The teachers seems pretty good because Jacob was pretty cooperative and was willing to try floating on his back instantly. There were only 3 kids in his class and one bigger boy didn't even want to put his head into the water, I think he would have to go back to level 1 for some basics... that leaves 2 kids in Jacob's class.. which is great because it's actually semi-private lesson with a group class rate.

Yesterday at yoga class I realized I couldn't do most of the poses anymore... sunside rotation is really hard now because the tummy is in the way.. and I miss all the inversion poses.. but I still tried to do as much as I can. Maybe I should stop yoga and start swimming instead.

Yesterday was 端午節 in Taiwan. I really like to eat some yummy 粽子, so I ask my mom to make some this Saturday. This is why I miss Taiwan so much, so many good foods to eat.

The boys enjoy each other at home. But once in a while they would offend each other. But I can tell they have a lot of fun being together. I am truly glad they are so close in age and can be each other's companion. As for Acacia, I think sometimes she will feel lonely being the only girl and so much younger than her brothers, but she should enjoy her 2 noisy and rough brother as well. Can't wait to see how they 3 interact with each other.

I've been watching "baby story" on TV, everytime I see a baby emerging into the world I would cry. Such a miracle. This time I hope I will feel more actively involved with the whole labor and birth process. I get Braxton Hicks everyday now. My body is starting to prepare for the birthing. It's weird I don't have control over my body. It does its own things... I just have to go with the flow

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 It was Mother's day yesterday and I sure had a good one. The boys and their daddy went to swimming on Saturday afternoon and went to Sams to get me some flowers(light purple 菊花). The boys picked the flowers so I didn't complain they were not Carnatians. Yesterday Philip went to pick up Tabo from Denton because she will fly back to Taiwan on Wednesday and finish her study here in the US. We all went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We had to wait about 45 minutes but we were at Barnes and Noble reading books so it wasn't too bad. As usual the food was great and we also had a piece of Tarimasu cheesecake. Very yummy. The boys kept telling me happy mother's day so I enjoyed being pampered as a mommy. And soon we will have another child joining our family. Can't wait for my 3 children to say "happy mother's day" to me in the near future!

After dinner we went to Central market to buy some stuff Tabo is taking back to Taiwan. Using a coupon I got 5 pretty long-stem roses for free. Three pink and 2 white. They look very nice. I have plenty of flowers for my mother's day!

On Saturday we went to Lowers for our kids project(made woodbarrels, the boys loved it)

after that we went to Dallas zoo. It was a nice day, we had picnic there in their new picnic area. We also took the monorail train to see the African animals. It was getting hot and we decided to go home after that.  Then mommy went to take a nap and daddy took the boys to swim... Thank you daddy for taking care of the boys so mommy could rest!!

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Today is the last day of February and I am now 18 weeks pregnant.
I-ching came and stayed with us on Sunday and left on Monday afternoon. We had a good time chatting, and we tried to make a Tiramasu, it was pretty good for the 1st try, although it will probably taste better if we could find lady finger cookies instead of using an angel cake. We had to look for the special cheese for about 30 minutes in Kroger. But gladly we found it at last but we didn't find the wine we needed so we just used coffee(decaf) so the kids could eat it too, but because we had to use raw egg(as the recipe called) Jacob had a little allergy.

I started prenatal yoga on Sunday, it was pretty good. I like the teacher Heather a lot. We only had 3 students in the class, so it was almost like a private lesson. The other 2 women are about 32 weeks and 20 weeks, so I am the least pregnant. Heather talked a lot about good postures and how postures could help labor. We have 6 more weeks for the class and I will probably continue if they still offer the class.

Jacob has been doing VERY well in learning at home. His phonics skill is very good and he is willing to learn everyday. Jacob also loves his math practices, always asking for more. Timothy also does homework everyday, I usually print out letters and numbers for him to practice. He also draws tons of pictures everyday, sometimes coloring, sometimes free drawing.

Only 1 more week then we will find out what we have. I can't wait!! But it's only 1 week away so I am not that anxious anymore. Shirley(Ho) is having a girl soon and that's great for her. I am sure the baby girl will look beautiful, as all mixed babies do.

Jouma's father(grandpa Yang) passed away last week. I miss him and grandma Yang because they took care of me when I was in high school for a period of time. I loved staying at their house, because they were so loving and I enjoyed grandma Yang's cooking very much, I still think she makes the most delicious domplings in the whole world. Also the lamb hot pot. I hope I still have the chance to eat her cooking once again soon.

We've been enjoying very sweet oranges and pineapples recently. Mom usually buys Texas oranges from Fiasta, and they are so cheap and sweet! But the season is probably gonna be over soon for oranges, then we will enjoy watermelon in the summer!! Can't wait!

I will start taking the boys swimming very soon now the weather is getting better and warmer. Maybe Philip can take them swimming while I do my prenatal yoga class.
 I hope Jacob still remembers how to swim, and Timothy will have the courage to start leaning swimmimg and not just clinging to the wall. 

I will end here. Time for lunch!

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It's been a while since I updated the diary. Only one word: tired!! I am 17 weeks 2 days pregnant today. Time surely flies, soon I will be half way through.

Went to my OB appointment last week, everything was fine, there was really not much to be checked. I had my blood drawn for AFP test, and still haven't heard from the OB's office, I guess everything is ok. Exciting thing is we have the date for ultrasound: March 8 on Wednesday at 8:30am. Hopefully we will be able to find out if I am having Summer Grace or Joseph. Philip will go with me of course and mom will send Timothy to school for me.

We got the result from Reach testing. Jacob is not qualified. But I am ok with it. I think the main reason Jacob didn't test well was his language barrier. Maybe next year we will try again and see if he gets in, if not, no problem. I know how talented Jacob is. He is excelling in school and learning well at home too. I am proud of him. He is already on hooked on phonics level 3. He takes home learning very well. He is a very obedient child. Thank the Lord.

I've been feeling the baby moving a lot recently. With this pregnancy I started feeling very early, when I was 12 weeks, but this past week it's been so strong I feel it a lot during the day and at night. This makes me think we are having a boy because the baby is surely strong!

Last week on Valentines' day Philip brought home 2 small cakes from La Madeline's. That was very sweet of him because after his class it was already over 10pm and he had to knock on the store's door to ask them to open the door so he can buy the cakes for me. I was already in bed when he got home so didn't see the cakes until the next morning. But both boys and I enjoyed the cakes. Thank you daddy!

Tomorrow morning I will be in Timothy's class for about a hour to be the "substitute" teacher because Ms, Becky has something to do and can't be there. I gladly agreed. Love to be with Timothy!

Time to pick up Jacob!

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only 3 more days then it's winter break for both Jacob and Timothy. We still plan on going to Santa Fe
for snow play. But Timothy has a cold right now and we are not sure if we will go, everyone has to
be healthy in order to play in the snow. We will see on Friday how Timothy is before we can leave on

Last night I felt like eating salty stuff so I asked Philip to buy McDonald's fries and chicken nuggets for me.
I didn't really think he would go and buy it for me, so I went to bed early. But after about 10 minutes he
came in to the room and said he was going to buy night snack for me. I was really happy. The hormone is
making my stomache upset a lot. I really wish I could be in Taiwan to eat all the foods I am craving for.
But for now the fries will do. So at almost 10pm my dear husband went out to buy fries and chicken nuggets
for me. which I finished in about 3 minutes!!

I think most people know about my situation now. But I am still waiting for the doctor's confirmation
next Wednesday when I go in for a checkup. I hope everything will be fine and all my family and friends will be supportive.

Tomorrow morning Timothy's class will have Christmas party, and I am bringing in juice boxes again (I always chose juice boxes because it's the easiest to buy). Then on Thusrday Jacob's class is doing something... I still don't know if I will be asked to go into his class, but it will be fun.

Today Tobo will come to our house, and Philip will take her to the airport tomorrow morning. How blessed she is that she can go back to Taiwan so often... as for us, we will probably have to wait until the summer of year 2007.

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今天是特別的一天, 至於特別在何處,要過一陣子再說, 因為還沒確定。

晚上Cherie帶Henna and Tirzah 來玩,小朋友都好高興,四個小可愛還一起洗澡,


ok... that's about it now...

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it's been 10 days since I last wrote. Mainly because I've been so busy. It was the
thanksgiving holiday in the US. It's considered the most important holiday for people
here, and families get together and eat eat eat. The kids were off school since Thurday
and we had a great time together for 4 full days. Timothy had a thanksgiving party
at their school last Wednesday.. and of course he didn't cooperate. He stood there
and just hang around while other kids sang the songs and did hand motions. I am used
to it so I only found it funny. Last week both boys went in for dental cleaning.
Timothy did VERY well. I was really surprised. Last time it was very bad, he cried,
kicked, hit, and screamed the whole way... so I really didn't get my hopes up this
time before we went... I even thought about cancelling the appointment.

But we prepared him a little, by borrowing the books from the library about a child
going to see the dentist. He even cried when I read the story to him :0)

Well, in short, he did very very well. He cried for about 1 minute, then becuase I
held him really tightly, that probably made him feel safe. He stopped crying and
Dr. Mai was able to clean his teeth. We even got him to take some x-rays of his
front teeth. They tried his back teeth but becuase it made him gag so maybe next
time. I totally agree with Timothy though because I myself really don't like having
my teeth take X-rays... so uncomfortable.

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Yesterday was my 32nd birthday. I didn't feel any big emotions, as I am used to getting
older and older each day. We pretty much had a very ordinary day until it's dinner time.
In the afternoon after we picked up Jacob from school we went to order the cake for me.
It's made from Chinese bakery and it's 鮮奶油水果. Quite yummy. Because we had to
wait 1 hour before we can pick up the cake, we went to buy 火鍋料 from Asia super-
I reminded the boys several times it was Mommy's birthday... and Timothy drew a picture
for me... I hope when they grow up they will always remember mommy's b-day and will
send me a card then I will be totally satisfied.

I prepared materials for 火鍋 and mom came back and helped me a bit. We waited and
waited but Jimmy got lost and didn't come until 8pm!! Poor Jimmy! Mom had to pick him
up at Kroger. He brought a dozen of 香檳roses and a balloon. What a gentleman and I
appreciated his effort trying to get to our house and took 2 hours. We blew the candles and
ate the yummy cake, and sent the boys to bed.

I got a flu/cold the day before my birthday. Still recovering today(11/19)... so as I siad,
not a very special birthday,, but I guess this is pretty common as we get older. We are
happier to celebrate our kids' birthdays rather then our own...

32 歲的一年, 希望大家都平安快樂!!

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每到星期五, 就覺得真快, 一個禮拜就"咻"一下過去了.. 小朋友也一天一天長大...
再過幾分鐘就是Saturday了, 剛才從Cindy家小排聚會回來, 今晚的聚會很享受, 交通到我們基督徒所活的生活乃是一個接枝的生活, 除了我們天然屬人的生命, 更有 神屬天的神聖生命, "no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me". How glorious. How uplifted. How sweet.
I tried to laminate Timothy's school pictures the other yesterday and the picture jammed inside the laminating machine. I was so upset to lose the precious picture of Timothy. It's rolled up and ruined in the machine. We finally managed to get the broken picture out and it took us a LONG time to put the machine back into 1 piece. I am going to return the machine at Walmart and maybe exchange for a new one. I think they will let me do that... although I've bought the machine for a while but I have really only used it for a few times. It's a good thing that stores in the US mostly take returns with no problem, unlike Taiwan. It's a totally different culture. I know most Americans are very honest and won't abuse this "福利".
Tomorrow Lowes will deliver the Granite tiles Philip ordered. He will put them in our side yard. It's a very big task. With over 200 pieces it's VERY heavy. I hope it doesn't hurt Philip's back. He is such a handy guy. I am glad I have such a wonderful husband because I can do nothing and I don't want to do anything. :0) (hey but I did put the laminating machine back into a whole)
Not sure what we will do tomorrow. Usually on Saturday morning we gather together to eat a better breakfast becuase we have more time(no one is rushing to work or school). I will make sausage crossants becuase the boys love them and they're rather easy to make, and we will eat some fruits... happy breakfast time!
Oh, I asked Howard if I can borrow his graduation gawn, and he said yes!! YAHOO!! So now I can return mine back to the store and just spend under $10 for the string thing(which says 2005) that attches to the cap. I am so glad! Saves a lot of money!! thanks Howard!

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所以又好幾天沒寫blog了. 每天不知道怎麼回事, 時間永遠不夠用. 今晚七點要去
Richardson School District 辦的REACH progam information meeting,
所以請老媽六點半回家幫我看小朋友. 有點傷腦筋不知道晚餐要煮什麼. 要是可以像
小叮噹一樣吃一粒大力丸多好.... 煮飯好累啊...

早上去UTD校園辦一些關於這學期畢業的事, 也去書店買了畢業袍, 還真貴, 要$70
多哩. 其實我根本不想去, 但是希之說要讓小孩也經歷媽媽的畢業典禮, 是對他們
以後有幫助... 希之真的想太多哩.. 也許這真的是我一輩子的最後一個學位,
穿著美麗的加冠袍走過教授們的面前, 也拍拍照, 也許真的不錯...

This afternoon I watched Thomas for Patti for a few hours while Tom
picked up Jacob for me. It was a lot of work to take care for a baby,
I am not sure if this is what I really want. A child is a lot of work,
and a lot of responsibility, and a lot of money. We will really have
to consider it hard before we decide to have one.


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Yesterday was Halloween night. I thought about going to the mall to
avoid the kids coming to our door to ask for candies. Since we are
christians we don't celebrate halloween because it's a holiday
associated with ghosts and other unholy things. But I decided we would
stay home and just treat it as a ordinary night. I told the boys with
a very serious tone that I didn't want them to go "trick or treat" for
several reasons. One being that we are children of God, the other reasons
like it would be very dangerous to knock on stranger's doors since we
didn't know who would answer the door(and the example of how a Japanese
student was killed in the 90s on a halloween day when he went to ask
for directions but was shot to death because that house owner asked the
student to freeze but the poor student didn't understand". This story
really scared the boys. I don't think they will ever want to knock on
people's houses. :0)) Another reason is that candies are BAD for their
teeth, and the boys are really good at protecting their teeth so they
decided it's a bad idea to go "trick or treat". So we printed out a
door sign which read "No candy! Sorry we don't celebrate Halloween. Have
a happy and safe night" and we taped it on the door and also covered the
bell with some paper. Amazingly NO ONE rang the bell, I was truly

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Today is Friday again. Time goes by so fast. Today Jacob has been a
super good boy. He was so obedient, so loving and so perfect(he even
asked for piano lesson!!). I am having a cold I think. At first I
thought it was allergy, but now I am more convinced it's a cold. Sore
throat, lost my voice, and mucus in the back of the throat. Sigh. As
usual I don't really worry I am sick but I don't want to pass it to
my boys. We were going to Nokia for its halloween party, but Philip
said it didn't look too exciting so we cancelled it. We went home and
Jacob did all his homeworks, learning phonics and wanting to learn
piano. I didn't take it too seriously so after teaching him one song
I told him I was going to the restroom for a minite, but I then
decided to take a shower... but Jacob came to say "mommy i've been
waiting a LONG time"... I was truly surprised. So I quickly finished
my shower and went back to teach him some more piano. Evem Timothy
wanted to learn piano too, he learns things so quickly. But I didn't
really want to start Timothy on piano yet becuase he is really too
little and his fingers don't have enough strength yet.

For dinner Jacob ate a lot of salad, I was really happy because lately
he didn't show much interest on eating vegetables.

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這幾天開始練習打中文...速度當然還是混慢啦, 不過相信慢慢會愈來愈快底...

Let's come back to the English mode so I can finish today's blog and
go to bed before dawn :0)

Yesterday we went to the park after I picked up Jacob. It was perfect
weather, so I decided we've got to make good use of the good weather,
and not just stay home all the time. The boys had a great time riding
the bikes, they rode along the sideways in the park, on the grass, and
even in the shelter. There was another little boy who is 3 years old,
he followed my boys all the way, and the 3 of them rode bikes chasing
each other. I was able to sit on the bench and relax. It was just
wonderful. The boys tried to play on the playset, but realized they
have grown so much in the last year, and the swings and playsets now
seemed so small for them. It's really amazing how much my boys grew just
in 1 year. we visited the ducks, as usual, and saw some squirrels running
under the trees,...all was like a picture, calm and peaceful.

Today we were planning on going outside to play again, but grandma
Joanne called and said her molar teeth on the right upper side were

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I Ching came to visit from Germany and stayed with us yesterday. We had
a good time chatting.. I stayed up late and the whole morning was having
some neck ache. Took some ATP2 with water a few minutes ago and am
already feel better. Yesterday we went to drop off PeiHsuan at UNT and
pick up I Ching from her parents' home in Corinth. We went to 阿宗麵線 and
we didn't like the food at all. For some reason it didn't taste as good as I
went before. Then we went to Tom's for Big Tom ice cream, I didn't feel
it's very good either. Maybe it was something wrong with my taste buds!?

The boys were almost crazy running around and jumping up and down in
the house last night, I think part of it was the ice cream(too much sugar),
and part of it was having I Ching at our house, they were being "人來瘋".
After I sent them off to bed finally at around 9:30pm, they chatted to
each other for another 30 minutes before they finally dosed off.. Philip was
sitting outside of their room listening to their talking, and found it very funny
as they were playing some kind of game, that Jacob asked a question and
Timothy answered and Jacob made a ring sound announcing either the
answer was right or wrong.

I ching brought me 2 bottles of instant decaf coffee from Germany. It tasted

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