 Tomorrow we are going on the ski trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It will take about 10 hours to get there so we will have to leave around 8am. Thankfully Timothy is recovered from the cold and we can all go, except our grandma, who just got a cold and has a bad cough. I told grandma she can't go because it will be very cold and might worsen her cold, she was very disappointed but maybe next time.

We will stay with some saints tomorrow night and Monday night in Alberquerque, while staing at a resort on Sunday night(where the ski area is)in Santa Fe. This way we get to blend with the saints,  and save us a lot on the hotel money. On Lord's day morning we will meet with the church in Alberquerque. and after the meeting we will head for Santa Fe which is a bout 1.5 hours north. I hope everything will be fine and fun and safe during our trip. Oh Lord Jesus be with us the whole time!

Today both boys stayed home with me since Jacob is starting his winter break now. Jacob was a very BIG help when I cleaned the house. He helped with vacuuming, and also cleaned out the toys very well. I am very proud of him. He is a good pattern to Timothy and to our future baby.

Yes I am pregnant, although I will be examined by my OB doctor next Wed to confirm. It was a surprise but now after some time to get used to the idea, I am starting to get excited. This will be our last baby and I believe it's the Lord's blessing and grace. Very strangely now I don't care the gender anymore. I used to want a girl very bad but now as long as it's a healthy baby we are thankful. The boys are excited about the baby in my tummy and whenever I remind them they have to be a good pattern because they are older, they are more aware of their behavior. Timothy keeps asking when will the baby come out. The due date is probably around 8/3/2006. We will have an ultrasound next week to find out the more accurate date.

Ok. I'd better start packing for the trip now. I will update all the details when we get back next Tuesday.


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