
是ㄉ, 妹妹自從12/16開始, 已經有好多次ㄉ副食體驗. I thought I was gonna wait until Acacia is 6 months old to start her on babyfoods, but Dr. Cole said we could start solid food at 5 months and she was showing signs that I felt she was ready.

At 1st, I gave Acacia organic rice cereal + breastmilk. After a while, I tried Avocado + rice cereal. And she really liked Avocado. According to my research, in some countries Avocodos are the very 1st food babies eat because it is VERY nutritious, and it's got omega3 fatty acid that is similar to mommy's milk. Then last week I introduced organic butternut squash. It's super sweet, and Acacia seems to like it ok. I found the frozen organic
butternut squash cubes in Central market. It's great. It's super easy to make. I just boil a few cubes for a few minutes then mash it using 過濾網. Then add some filter water and rice cereal(or oatmeal cereal which smells SO good). Most of the time 妹妹 can eat about 1/4 bowl. And she is starting to drink some water from the baby cup. It's super cute!

I was very surprised to find out how well
妹妹 swallows. Even at the beginning of our feeding experiences, she was able to swallow cereal very well, and she can now swallow water even when the water comes out of the sprout fast. I guess it's because my milk flow has always been super fast and strong, so she got used to it.

I want to  try give her organic food as much as possible, to give her a good start and hopefully she will have a very healthy body.


Still no sign of tooth yet. But I am sure
妹妹 is teething because she wants to chew on everything she gets a hold of. I hope the teeth come out soon so she doesn't have to suffer. So far she is doing ok though, not too fussy.


It's true. Acacia is becoming such a good baby. I really can't complain. She still loves to be held by mommy but she also likes to sit/stand in her exersaucer and play with toys. She still doesn't like to lay on her tummy so I guess it will be a long time before we have a crawler. But that's ok. She WILL learn to crawl oneday. I am not worried about that.

She adores her brothers. They really only need to look at her she starts giggling and laughing. For me and her daddy, we will have to do all kinds of tricks and sounds to make her laugh. So unfair!!


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