目前分類:尚甯 Acacia ~ our little girl (67)

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Last Friday me and Acacia went to Erin's home.... we had a great time playing together and chatting... I found out it was Erin's birthday!!! WOW happy birthday Erin !!! We decided to go to Cheesecake Factory for lunch.. since it's one of my favorite restaurants and Erin's home is pretty close to the restaurant. Acacia slept during the 1st half of the meal so I got to eat before she awoke.. 卉昕 has grown a lot .. she is a very active and cute little girl!! She is a super smart girl too, I can tell.

We had a great time together... I can't wait for another date!!


2 cutie pie!!

Acacia enjoys wearing 卉昕's cap!!

The birthday girl ... Erin!!

p.s. Erin's got a better description of our date... please take a look:

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妹妹又在發芽, 而且好像一次冒3顆牙。。所以這幾天晚上有點驢。。She wakes up and cries for mommy every hour.. so mommy has to stop watching her Korean soap opera... Hopefully all the teeth come out soon so Acacia can sleep better at night!


We found a nice place near the community lake.. the kids love to go there... it's also the spot where we let our BIG fish go... last week we finally took the fish and let him free. I am sure he will enjoy his HUGE new home!!!

BYE BYE Fish!!

J & A

Nice community lake...

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母乳是給予寶寶最好的禮物,包括世界衛生組織(WHO)、聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)和世界各地的衛生學會都建議母親在寶寶前六個月以純母乳哺育寶 寶,之後更持續哺餵母乳並給予其他食物至兩歲以上或更大,至於哺育時間長短則取決於媽媽與寶寶的需求。因此,如何幫助寶寶從純母乳哺育轉型為持續吃母乳並 與家人一同進食,是值得關心的議題。


母乳是優質的食物,富含蛋白質、維生素、礦物質、必需脂肪酸和保護因子,營養豐富、熱量高、容易消化,與其他食物相較,每一毫升的母乳能提供更多的卡路里 和營養素,也比軟的穀片、嬰兒米粉或蔬菜泥等典型的大寶寶食物更加營養。假如寶寶的胃充滿著不營養的食物,將影響他們對母乳的攝取,整體上飲食和健康將變 得較差。當父母開始添加副食品時,往往忽略了母乳的貢獻。這時,應該要餵食其他食物來增進母乳提供的營養,而不是以其他食物來取代母乳。以下進一步說明持 續哺乳的優點。

母乳所提供的保護因子對大寶寶更顯得重要。開始餵食其他食物,可能使較大寶寶接觸更多的感染與病原體,這個年紀的幼童特別容易感染腹瀉及腸胃炎,母乳中的 抗感染因子提供保護以對抗疾病,並減緩疾病的嚴重度。由於嬰兒的免疫系統尚未成熟,母乳所提供的保護在六個月之後持續有助益,即使哺乳的次數大幅減少,仍 可以提供保護。

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Exactly 1 year ago's tomorrow, my little princess was born. She was born at 10am Texas time, on a very bright sunny July morning. Her arrival completed our family of 5, and we could never imagine the joy and happiness she would bring into our lives.

Our little princess turns one tomorrow, and I can still remember the details of her birth so vividly, like it just happened yesterday. This past year has gone by so quickly, I tried very hard to grasp each sweet moment with my baby girl, because I know very soon she will be 18 and going to college. 

People who love me(i.e my dad) still blames me of having a third child, although himself is probably the one who loves Acacia the most. I can understand how he feels, because now having my own little girl I would also want a best life for her. But I can only thank the Lord for giving us our prescious Acacia, no one can replace her sweet presence. 

My boys have loved their little baby sister right from the beginning. They continue to love her unconditionally. And I can only pray their love toward her will continue all their lives, and they will protect her long after we are gone.

During these 2 months in Taiwan, Acacia has grown so much. Coming back she had only 2 teeth, now she has 6 and more are coming. Coming back she just barely started crawling and now she is taking a few steps. Late May she would only cry now she calls "mama" when she needs mommy or milk, or when she is just plain happy. She gives funny faces or smiles to get our attention, she understands a lot of our words, she loves to play with 公公 who spoils her rotten. She puts her feet into Timothy's sandals and wait at the door when we want to go out... So many new tricks she amazes us everyday. We are all drunk with her smiles. She loves to eat fresh fish, which I afraid will be so hard to get when we return home. She uses chopsticks to get her own food... she is developing at a light year speed that sometimes I wish I could stop her... so she could be this little just a bit longer. 

But I can't. I can only watch her grow bit by bit in front of my eyes everyday. I thank the Lord and Philip I can be home with my kids, spending the most prescious time in their lives with them.

Happy 1st birthday, my little star. We love you.

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Yeah that's right.. my baby girl is teaching herself to walk... now she can stand up from sitting down, and tries to walk 2-3 steps before falling :D And she is fearless. I imagine by the time we go back to our Texas home we will have a walking toddler. WOW.. a toddler and no more a baby... She is growing up WAY TOO FAST!!!

We went to Keng-Ting this week... and stayed at a very cool place ...洪柴水鄉... it's a tent setting, however, so-called a "5 star" tent because it's got 2 soft queen mattress, an A/C, and a TV... so it's quite comfortable. The boys were super excited because they got to sleep in a real tent, but at the same time, we still get some modern convenience. My dad was even able to watch his daily korean soap opera. haha

We got to swim in the pool right next to the ocean, so the view was fantastic... and not much people were there because it was during the weekday so it was nice. Still very hot though during the day. So we all got very tanned. 

We also went to 海森館, and saw TONS of cool fish... the boys were in heaven! Last time we came Philip was with us, so it made me miss him more. Thank you 公公 for taking us to all these places. .... I know he must have been very tired. 

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傍晚一家子去散步,騎車, 看到一對大約15-6歲ㄉ年輕人在那裡摟摟抱抱,那小女生還是亞裔ㄉ。。看看爸爸背在身上ㄉ妹肝,我生氣ㄉ說: "這麼疼他有什麼用,過不了多久就變這樣... 如果是我家ㄉ,我上去就給他一掌(當然是給男ㄉ一掌)"....

爸爸突然冒出一句:"我對空鳴槍"。我說:"幹嘛?" 爸爸說:"示警阿! "

好~~ 爸爸算你贏ㄌ~~ 果然是你捧在手上ㄉ珍珠阿!!不過...還得備槍...太辛苦ㄌ吧!!!><

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Last Thursday we went to see Dr. Beach, for Acacia's 9 month old checkup, and for Jacob's asthma progress. Acacia got 1 shot, but the worst part was the nurse poked her finger to get blood for lab works. She cried so madly and tried to push the nurse's hand away...my poor baby!!

Acacia: "大姐, 你可不可以不要再擠我ㄉ手指抽血....好痛阿..."

Her weight has not gained much (16lb 7 oz) and Dr. Beach said we need to feed her whatever we can, which is very hard becasue aside from mommy's milk Acacia is not interested in eating anything. I think Acacia doesn't gain much weight because she is such an active baby, when she is awake, she never stays still. Now she can crawl she is all over the place. But she seems to be happier now she is mobile. Her height is good. Still in the 90%, and head in the 75-90%. So only the weight is our concern right now.

I talked about Jacob's class having a child with chickenpox so Dr. Beach felt it's better we give both boys a booster shot of chickenpox.. now Timothy was really scared. He didn't go there for a shot!!! But the nurse did it so quickly both boys tolerated it just fine.
Jacob: "打針, 小 case!! " 
Timothy: "我不要打針,
AFTERWARDS: "什麼? 可以去吃麥當勞?  好吧,
一點都不痛!!! "

Acacia also seemed to have a light ear infection on her right ear, Dr. Beach said her ears have wax so it was kind of hard to tell, but she prescribed 10 day antibotics anyway... hopefully Acacia will be free of any kind of sickness before we head to Taiwan in 2 weeks!!

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  • May 09 Wed 2007 07:55
  • Acacia


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是的,  我有一個後天ㄉ連體嬰, 還是我自己生出來ㄉ... 猜到了吧.... 沒錯,就是我ㄉ妹肝。
不知道為什麼, 妹妹很需要黏在媽媽身上,除了心情好可以自己坐幾分鐘玩一下下, 其他時間一定要和她ㄉ連體嬰 ---> 我,距離0公分.....

媽媽已經練就出一身功夫, 包括一隻手抱妹妹, 一隻手穿脫牛仔褲上廁所。。或是
一隻手抱妹妹, 另一隻手炒出3道菜。。 妹妹喜歡像一隻小猴子一樣扒在媽媽身上,分享媽媽做ㄉ每一件事,媽媽不忍心拒絕妹妹對媽媽絕對ㄉ愛與需要,只好心甘情願ㄉ繼續扛著我ㄉ連體嬰..........她不重,她是我ㄉ寶貝妹肝!

P。S。  這張照片是妹妹在享受媽媽給她洗屁屁啦!


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時間過ㄉ真快,我們ㄉ心肝已經9個月ㄌ。。。妹妹已經不再是小BABY,有他自己ㄉ個性,意見和感覺。。。媽媽越來越覺ㄉ養女生和男生真是大大ㄉ不同, 每天都充滿驚喜和感動。竟然還有人問我後不後悔生老三。。。有點想把他一腳踢到北極去, 切, 真是廢話,


8-9個月:自己坐至少可維持10分鐘--> yes.. 坐在餐廳餐椅或推車上時
8-9個月:坐時可以扶著東西站起來--> 非常愛
--> 終於開始爬。。媽媽已經都準備放棄希望了

8-9個月:兩手抓物移到胸前把玩--> 會!
8-9個月:以食指來碰觸物體--> 手部動作非常細微,可以拿起一顆飯吃, 厲害吧
8-9個月:手指可隨意志放鬆物體--> 會!超故意拿起東西又丟掉

8-9個月:吃東西時有咀嚼的動作出現--> 很早就會了!
8-9個月:會認得鏡子中的自己--> 不確定。。很少給她照鏡子

8-9個月:會自己拿餅乾吃--> 會。。各種形狀ㄉ餅乾都可以

8-9個月:會發出類似的聲音以模仿他人的聲音--> 會,聲音還不小
8-9個月:會喃喃自語發出一些彷如句子音串的聲調--> 會!
8-9個月:在手勢或聲調等環境提示下可以開始明白大人說話 -->媽媽說NO NO會眼眶紅, 還真是罵不得....


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I've wanted to buy some new toys for Acacia for a while now... she has outgrown her baby baby toys and absolutely feels bored at home. Today I saw a cool toy on craiglist so I contacted the seller, and after we picked up Jacob after school I drove to North Plano to pick up the toy. It's pretty cool, even the boys enjoy playing with it with Acacia.  It costs me $43, it's in really good condition, like new almost. A new one in the store is about $60+ so it's a good deal. After she gets tired of it I will re-sell it.

No more babyfood

Acacia didn't eat her babyfood very well, and it really concerned me. But sometimes when we eat I would give her a little bitty food, and I found she really wants to eat tablefoods, and not mushy babyfoods. So yesterday I started to give her "real" foods, that has a little bit taste to it, and I chopped them up in very small pieces, and she absolutely loves it!! I gave her some baked chicken meat, and she was all smiley and kept opening her mouth for more. SO THATS WHY!!! She doesn't think she is a baby anymore I guess. I can't blame her, I couldn't stand those yucky baby foods either!!! Today she ate some macoroni + tiny bits of carrots, with a little ground turkey. I grinded it a little in the grinder, and she really enjoyed her food. So bye bye babyfoods!!!

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 I thought Acacia was recovered from the cold finally.. then she started to have the symptoms again.. this time with a strange cough that sounded bad. Daddy insisted I take her to see the doctor, but I didn't want to... I figured she would recover on her own pretty soon. Then on Friday night, she started to have a little fever, now this concerned me because I know it could be ear infection. So we went to see Dr. Cole on Saturday morning.

Lo and behold she did have ear infection... worse in right ear and just a little swollen in left ear. Poor baby!!! No wonder the cold won't go away. She is on antibiotics now... and this time it's only 5 day course.. so hopefully by the time we finish medicine I will have a healthy baby again. She has been sick on and off for a few weeks now!!!

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My baby girl is no longer a little baby. She turned 8 months old on Saturday 3/24.
She has grown so much and is doing lots of new things.

7-8個月:不用手支撐即可坐得很好 --> Yes!
7-8個月:扶著站或扶腋下會移步 -->
7-8個月:雙膝式爬行(肚子不貼地) --> Absolutely NOT even want to try to crawl .... I think we have a lazy baby. She wants to pull herself up to stand though.. I think she might even start walking before she ever crawls.

7-8個月:手像耙子一樣抓東西 -->
7-8個月:會追視3公尺外滾動的球(直徑約5公分) -->
7-8個月:開始以大拇指配合其他四指來撿物 -->
Yes! Her fine motor skills are VERY good. She can pick up very small things.. like rice !!

7-8個月:玩具被毛巾遮蓋時,即使面前放有兩條相同的毛巾,仍會準確地注視著藏了玩具的毛巾 -->
7-8個月:會分辨陌生人並對陌生人逐漸採取排斥的態度 -->
Yes! There is no way 陌生人 can pick her up...

7-8個月:會用至少4種方法來操弄玩具或物件,例如凝視、放入口中探索、搖動、拍打等 --> Yes!!

7-8個月:在惱怒時會刺耳尖叫--> YES!

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  • Mar 03 Sat 2007 20:42
  • 尚甯

 因為要幫小朋友們辦台灣護照,取好妹妹ㄉ中文名字變ㄉ很緊迫,一直想不到很滿意ㄉ名字,今天和公公,姨婆商量ㄉ結果, 請他們翻字典,因為妹妹屬狗,聽說名字中要有寶蓋頭, 一方面小狗戀家,這樣很好。。。公公,姨婆翻字典找寶蓋頭ㄉ字, 經過國際電話幾番討論, 公公覺得 "甯" 這個字不錯, 和 "寧" 是相近字,相同念法。 但又顯ㄉ更特別,也更文藝味一些。

這個字拆開就是 : 家中特別用心。一方面因為妹妹是我們ㄉ手上明珠,一方面因為她是女生,更要花多一點心思照顧,這樣一想,就覺得這個字很有意思。 等爸爸待會聚會回家和他討論看看,也許就可以定案了ㄡ!

" 黃尚甯 ", 真好聽耶!!

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  • Feb 20 Tue 2007 05:11
  • 妹妹




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---想娶我女兒──《 請你準備好那份聘禮》




你知道為什麼她的英文如此流利,各國通行無阻,英 、日文難不倒她呢?




還有每一年的學費,私立高中、私立大學,幾年來也絕對不少於一百萬 。


光是能夠拿到「收據」的費用,你可能付我五百萬都無法全部 cover 掉。






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The above was Acacia's measurement at yesterday's 6 month wellness checkup. I was a little surprised that she only weighs 16 lbs and 1 oz (about 7.3 KG), falls on 50%. But very happy to see that we have a tall baby. She is 28 inches high, the nurse said she is 100%+, out of the range!! so we have a tall and slim girl, which is great!!

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In only 2 more days  妹肝 will be 6 months old.

although you still can't see it too clearly, but 妹肝's 2 bottom center teeth are out of the surface, they started to come out a few days ago, and now I can clearly feel them with my fingers... OUCH!! they are sharp!! I hope she won't practice them on mommy!!

Baby food
We have tried several vegetables: Avacado(妹肝 likes it), sweet potato(it's ok.. but she doesn't like it as much), butternut squash (ok... not too fond of it), sweet pea (sometimes she loves it, sometimes she doesn't). So so far only 4 kinds, always mixed with warm water and either organic rice cereal or oatmeal cereal.  I tried both Gerber organic baby food and organic baby food homemade. She seems to do ok with either, I finally bought a baby food grinder today on ebay, can't wait to receive it soon in the mail so it will be easier to make homemade baby food. It costs about $15(including shipping)

Rolled Over... Finally!!
I can't believe it takes Acacia so long to learn to roll over, because both her brothers at this age was doing much more... Jacob started to crawl when he was 6.5 months old.
OK. I promised myself NOT to compare the kids.   I guess boys and girls grow at a different rate. Yesterday while on the floor playing, 
妹肝 rolled over 3 times one after another from tummy to back position. But when I called the boys to watch, she refused to do it again.

since she was teething, I expected she would be craky at night, but these 2 nights it started to get better. Daddy needs his sleep and mommy too. I am glad now her 2 teeth are out of the surface she is getting back to her routine.

Daddy's princess
Daddy seems to love his little girl more as the days go by. He is so proud of her because she looks like him(so she is cute)!! And now Acacia is more active and responsive, daddy loves to hold her and play with her. For me I don't feel a difference between loving her and my boys. But Acacia is like a pearl in daddy's palms, very prescious!

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是ㄉ, 妹妹自從12/16開始, 已經有好多次ㄉ副食體驗. I thought I was gonna wait until Acacia is 6 months old to start her on babyfoods, but Dr. Cole said we could start solid food at 5 months and she was showing signs that I felt she was ready.

At 1st, I gave Acacia organic rice cereal + breastmilk. After a while, I tried Avocado + rice cereal. And she really liked Avocado. According to my research, in some countries Avocodos are the very 1st food babies eat because it is VERY nutritious, and it's got omega3 fatty acid that is similar to mommy's milk. Then last week I introduced organic butternut squash. It's super sweet, and Acacia seems to like it ok. I found the frozen organic
butternut squash cubes in Central market. It's great. It's super easy to make. I just boil a few cubes for a few minutes then mash it using 過濾網. Then add some filter water and rice cereal(or oatmeal cereal which smells SO good). Most of the time 妹妹 can eat about 1/4 bowl. And she is starting to drink some water from the baby cup. It's super cute!

I was very surprised to find out how well
妹妹 swallows. Even at the beginning of our feeding experiences, she was able to swallow cereal very well, and she can now swallow water even when the water comes out of the sprout fast. I guess it's because my milk flow has always been super fast and strong, so she got used to it.

I want to  try give her organic food as much as possible, to give her a good start and hopefully she will have a very healthy body.


Still no sign of tooth yet. But I am sure
妹妹 is teething because she wants to chew on everything she gets a hold of. I hope the teeth come out soon so she doesn't have to suffer. So far she is doing ok though, not too fussy.


It's true. Acacia is becoming such a good baby. I really can't complain. She still loves to be held by mommy but she also likes to sit/stand in her exersaucer and play with toys. She still doesn't like to lay on her tummy so I guess it will be a long time before we have a crawler. But that's ok. She WILL learn to crawl oneday. I am not worried about that.

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