目前分類:尚甯 Acacia ~ our little girl (67)

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 Just a quick update:
Got back from my 32 week check up: Baby heartbeat 148/minute, the head is down(correct and perfect position). My weight is 155 lbs (up 6 lbs since 3 weeks ago). Brother Mike is not concerned with my weight gain, said all is normal. (he said since I can't be on diet, it really doesn't matter)!!

Asked about induction, he said we will do a high-level sonogram later which will determine the baby's weight and then decide when to induce. He said the ideal baby's weight should be in the 7 lb range, not in the 8 lb range.. haha we will see about that. Jacob was 8 lb 3 oz and Timothy was 8 lb 14 oz at birth.. This one will surely be as heavy as her brothers!!

Also asked about Melody being present and Philip video-taping the process. Of course brother Mike said it's ok... he will agree to anything I request I think!!

Asked about epidural.. he said epidurals are much better now a days and I can still move around and be very concious and alert... good to know.

That's about it!!
Next check up will be in 2 weeks(6/12 at 9am).

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Yesterday I went in for a regular check up (25 weeks). Mike thought my tummy looked very big (everyone comments that way too), and he measured the uterus, and I measured 30 cms(30 weeks) instead of 25 cms so I measured 1 month ahead. Mike ordered an ultrasound this morning to check if baby is too big or my amnio water is too much.

So this morning my appointment was at 8:10am. Philip went with me(I insisted). We waited a little bit and I was a little nervous, praying the baby is doing fine.

And I was SO happy to see our baby on the screen again. Lori was very patient, explaining everything as she measured along. The baby's head is right on target, her upper leg measured 1 week ahead, and on average she is just on the mark, PERFECT!!! The baby weighs about 1 lb and 13 oz already! I think we will have another big baby by the time she comes.

I also asked Lori to check the gender again, just to make sure. And Lori said " I am always happy to do that". I was a little nervous when she pointed to the baby's gender area, I saw something a little swollen. Lori said " I hope I told you it was a girl", I said "yes", and she went on, "well, it's still a girl!!" and she explained the "hamburger", and really it does look like a hamburger on the screen. Lori said "It's 1000%, definitely a girl". So there she is, still our princess Acacia.

So happy to see the baby. She is head down, perfect position. Philip commented "she is comfortable in there". So really now my doubts are all gone, knowing and believing we are soon going to have a little girl in our lives.
Thank you Lord for protecting our little girl !

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It's official, we are having a baby GIRL!!!!
This morning me and Philip went in the doctor's office for our ultrasound. We were the 1st ones there and had to wait for the nurse to open the door for us. I was so anxious my heart nearly jumpped out of my throat! The technician Lori was a very sweet lady. We asked her if we could videotape, she at first hesitated because now a days doctor's offices won't let people go away with baby images for safety reasons, but we told her both our older boys have videotapes and we would really like for this baby to have its own. She agreed during the last few minutes we could videotape. So she put some HOT jell on my tummy and started the sonogram. She was very detailed, showing and telling us each part of the baby while she measured. the head, the kidney, the amnio sac, the leg, the arm, the heart,.... finally she said "you can start videotaping now" and she asked if we wanted to know the sex... OF COURSE!! So she looked and I thought I saw something in bewteen the legs, I sighed, "it's a boy, right?" and she shook her head without a word... then she looked from another angle and said " it's a Girl!!" Well, I really couldn't believe it, although I think I saw the magic "3 lines" as well. Then she went on to measure other stuff, but I kept asking her, can you look again? Is it really a girl? so she looked 2 more times and said she was 100% sure it's a girl. Wow. It's true, we are really having a baby GIRL!!!
She printed out 4 pictures for me to take home, and one shows her head and body (she looks REALLY cute), one shows her scratching her head, and one shows the tummy and the leg, and the last one shows her girl parts (the magic 3 lines... ie the hamburger)..

What can I say except "halleluiah!!" Thank the Lord for giving us this "surprise" baby girl. She will complete our family!!

I called my mom immediately in the restroom. And Philip said the whole clinic could hear my voice. I was just SO excited and thrilled and happy.

Thank you Lord Jesus!!

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昨天晚上大約2點半,被寶寶給吵醒。 他不知道為啥決定半夜在媽媽的肚子裡開舞會
   跳ㄉ不亦樂乎, 動個不停。 害我張著眼睛等ㄌ快1個小時,等他老兄跳累。

So this afternoon I took Timothy to bed to take a nap in the afternoon to make up the sleep I lost last night. We slept for 1.5 hours, very refreshing. This morning I went to yoga like usual, and found I had more energy today, and more balance. I really like yoga, especially now I am pregnant, it's not like aerobics where people are sweating and panting, but at the same time yoga still let me build up strength and muscles and lots of stretches. I don't know if I can last the whole pregnancy but I surely want to try my best.

Last Sunday when I went to the prenatal yoga class, Philip took the boys to swimming in the indoor pool. They boys had fun with daddy. Our prenatal yoga class now has 5 mommies, there is this one older mom having her 4th baby, and her 1st son is already 21 years old!! She is going to do a home birth, I know now it's getting popular in the US for home births but I don't think I will like that idea too much.... I'd rather get my DRUGS(to reduce pain) and have an experienced OB doctor deliver my baby, and the nurses to take care of me and baby afterwards.

Tomorrow is the BIG day. We will hopefully find out the sex of the baby. I can't wait!! I want to start SHOPPING!! Well, if it's a boy I won't need any shopping, I can get plenty of stuff and clothes from the sisters. But if it's a girl... haha Philip's bank account is going to shrink a lot.

So in 14 hours we will know. And there are a lot of people who are anxious with me too. I was asked by everyone I saw last Lord's day. And we joked if they see my long face next Lord's day, they'd better get away from me because that means I am havig a boy. A sister even suggested me wearing black if it's a boy and red if it's a girl. But really I don't care that much now. I am just curious to know. I will love the baby to bits no matter what it is. Our prescious little baby. Our last baby. 

The boys are having their spring break next week, but since Philip and I are going to change the floor to wood in our living room, it will be a lot of work(for Philip), I don't think I will be able to help much. But I think we will try to take the boys to the zoo or the science place for some fun. And weather should be great.

Ok Let's end here. I will update tomorrow after the ultrasound. Stay in tune!

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 It's been a while since I wrote a blog. Nothing much happened, our daily life is as normal as can be. Today I am 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant, so in my 16th week. Next Friday I will have another OB appointment, hopefully we can set up an ultrasound soon after that. can't wait to see baby and find out what it is, a girl or a boy.

Jacob is having a field trip right now, they will all take the school buses and go to see a play in Richardson high school. Hope he has lots of fun!

Next week will be a busy week because both boys' classes have valentine parties and I will be in both. Here the Valentine's day seems like a big deal, everyone is buying cards or gifts or flowers. Even little kids have to exchange cards with each other to show friendship. Which really makes me wonder why the schools don't celebrate religious holidays but treat Valentine's day an important event. Strange.

I returned the baby doppler this morning after Yoga workout. Took me a while to find the Fedex dropbox, I had to stop and ask a Fedex worker(in his truck). Yesterday I listened to the heartbeat with the dopper for the last time and I recorded it on the digital camera, the baby's heartbeat was as strong as usual, and I was glad I got to record it. Maybe soon I will figure out how to post it on here. The baby swam away from the doppler several times I guess he/she didn't like to be bothered

Last Saturday morning Philip and I took the boys to home depot to do the kids craft they provide once a month. It was fun, the project was very easily, the heart shaped napkin holders, which took daddy and the boys about 5 minutes to finish. Then after we got home, after lunch, we went to the trail for the boys to bike and we took walks. It was a wonderful time out in the woods. We all enjoyed the fresh air and exercise a lot. I enjoy each minute of our family time together. Now daddy is so busy with work and school, it seems even more valuable when we can all be together and just hang out. This Monday because the boys were off from school Daddy took a day off as well. For the whole weekend the boys enjoyed working in the side yard with daddy to lay the granite tiles. Usually mommy would use that time to take a nap...  Within a few days daddy probably lifted several thousands of pounds of tiles!! I feel sorry I can't help but being pregnant is surely a good excuse !! hehe.
Our side yard will look very beautiful by the time summer comes. And we can all play on the tile ground instead of the useless grass.

I've been thinking about names for the baby. Right now I have several in mind, for a girl, I like Summer Grace, Acacia Grace, Madalyn Zoe, or Briana Grace. For a boy Philip suggested Joseph because in the old testament he was the youngest son of Jacob and at the end was the blessed one who saved his family and his people. We are not very good in picking boys' names but I am sure by the time baby comes we will have something for him/her to be called.

I called daddy(mine) again yesterday morning and we got to chat a bit. It's always nice to talk to my beloved daddy. I am glad we can talk to each other with no hinderance. It's wonderful to have such a loving father. 

We had chicken(mushroom sauce) and rice and spinach/tofo soup for lunch. Timothy ate a big bowl of each, and me too, so full now I am yearning for a nap!!

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It's been a while since I last listened to the baby's heartbeat at home. Philip had some concerns that listening to the ultrasound doppler too much will affect the baby, so I stopped using it for the last 2 weeks or so. But since Dr. Cowart had already confirmed it's safe, I thought it should be ok to listen to the baby once in a while. So just now I lied on bed and just as I put the doppler on my tummy, there it was, a strong beating. It was so easy to find the baby now. I timed it and it measured 25/10secs, so about 150 per minutes. Has slowed down somewhat, because it used to be in the 170s but I guess it's normal because as baby is growing bigger his/her heartbeats slow down a little bit.

I am going to return the doppler next week so I'll probably listen to it a few more times before then.

This morning I did our tax for year 2005. It's getting easier and faster each year to prepare it. I am glad we don't owe IRS anything

Tomorrow morning is Rainbow preschool's registration date for existing students. Usually parents are pretty crazy, waiting in line by 7am. I will just go in the regular time I drop off Timothy and do my number then. I think it will be at least an hour of waiting so I should remember to bring a book to kill time. I hope to register Timothy into Ms. Phyllis' class as Jacob loved her and it's Monday ~ Thursday so Timothy won't be bored at home and I can take the time to rest some and care for the baby.

Cherie took Henna to our house this afternoon and the boys had fun playing with Henna. We haven't been playing for a while(almost 2-3 weeks) because of Tirzah's dental operation and trying to avoid the kids passing sickness to each other. The kids always love to play together. Maybe we can all go to Home Depot this Saturday for some craft fun. (I hope it's not hammering nails because I think I will nail on my own hand!! )

Philip is at school tonight, the boys miss him and I do too. It's so quiet here now the boys are in bed. I guess I'd better enjoy this quietness because when the baby comes, it will be CONSTANT work and crying.

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Today I am 11 weeks and 3 days pregnant. The 1st trimester is almost over, and I will enter into the most comfortable period of my pregnancy. I received the baby doppler on Monday and I've been listening to the baby's heartbeats everyday.... I showed it to the boys, Philip and my mom, all of them were very excited to hear the baby's heart beating so strongly. It is a wonderful device, making me feel so much better because I can't feel the baby's movements yet. I think i've been feeling some flutterings, but I am not sure if it's the baby because it's still so early. I plan to rent the doppler until maybe 16 weeks when I start to feel the movements regularly.
The baby's heartbeats have been high... about 178 per minute. It's a great sound to hear to, I have to restrict myself not listening to it too much.

It's a long wait until we can find out the baby's gender. I am used to thinking the baby is a boy for some reason. We are thinking about changing the boys' room to another one(the guestroom) so the baby can be in their room... but I told Philip the baby will probably be 1 or 2 before he moves out of my bed into his own room, so really no need to hurry.

This week one day I forgot the time and picked up Jacob late. He was crying, I felt SO bad.. He went inside to Big Springs to go potty, and after he came out he still didn't see my van, he started to worry. Gladly there was a lady who was with him, she is a volunteer to help the kids cross the streets. I felt so sorry to see my big boys in tears. I totally understand the feeling. When I was in grade school I remember having to wait forever for my mom to pick me up, after all the kids were gone, it's so scary and lonely. I promised Jacob I will try to never be late again. Now I make sure I leave the house at 3:15pm and I'd rather wait for him then having him be scared. I've been trying to take them either for a bike ride or playground after we got home these past few days. The weather has been wonderful, and I don't want to the boys to stick in our house for so long. Fresh air and exercise are good for them... and me! Yesterday we went to Crowley park, the other side where the big kids playground is. They had a great time, didn't want to leave after 30 minutes of play, and were so dusty from playing. We came back home and I gave them a bath, and they felt so relaxed but I still had to give them their homework time.

I went in for Jacob's report with Mrs. Huggins on Wednesday morning. I was so proud to hear that Jacob is doing great in school. His math is excellent, got 95 in the test(he missed only 1 question which his teacher said everyone missed because the question was poorly written). His behavior is also excllent. Mrs. Huggins said Jacob is one of her favorite students, always listening carefully, helping out and knowing what to do at the right time. I really can't complain. I know Jacob is a wonderful child. I can only praise the Lord for making him such a good nature. I pray the Lord will always keep him this way, and that he will grow up to be a useful vessel for the Lord's building.

Timothy is also doing great, both at school and at home. He accompies me to yoga class and when we are home alone, he is very quiet. I know he misses Jacob's accompaniment and everyday when Jacob gets home from school Timothy is full of energy again. I am so glad they have each other as the best playmate. Thank you Lord for giving them each other.

Next Friday I will go in for my 2nd OB appointment. Can't wait ! Hopefully I will be able to schedule my ultrasound then for probably late Feb or early March.

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