目前分類:尚傑 Jacob (25)

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My dear son Jacob,
Mommy wants to write you a letter, to let you know how much I appreciate you and love you. You are my 1st born son, the most prescious son the Lord gives me. I thank the Lord for giving you to daddy and me. You are a gentle, loving, kind and sweet person. Your younger brother and sister-to-come are so blessed to have a big brother like you. You are a smart boy, never cease to amaze me each day of my life. Since the 1st day you came into my life, you have teaught me lots of things, patience, laughter, love and so much more. I still treasure the memory of holding you and rocking you to sleep everynight when you were just a little baby. I would sing "Lord, I love you" and you would calm down and fall asleep peacefully. I pray the Lord will always keep you, to be a pure and clean vessel to contain Him, and to grow up to be a building material for His kingdom.
Sometimes mommy is too strict with you. Everytime I get angry with you, I regret immediately. Sometimes I forget you are only a 6 year old boy. Although you look so big, you are still just a little boy. You have grown so much during the past 6 years, from a baby nursing from mommy to a big kindergartner that learns new things each day. I pray the Lord grant me wisdom to be a good mother, to know how to nurture you, your body, your soul and even to instill a fear and love toward God, your eternal Father. So forgive me dear son, if sometimes I lack patience, or wisdom in teaching you. May the Lord deposit more of Himself into me each day, so more of my natural man can fall off.
Mommy enjoy watching you and Timothy play together. Sometimes you fight, and get on each other' nerves, but most of the time you simply adore and love each other. You both are each other's best friend. I pray this close relationship will last forever, even when you both are grown up and far apart from each other, you would still lean on each other, count on each other and always know you have each other as your dear brother.
Then your baby sister is on the way. You already love her with your heart. You picked the name "Acacia" for her. You are proud to have a little sister to love. You tell everyone you are having a baby sister. Your baby sister is so blessed, even before she is born she has gained all her 2 brothers' hearts. You are the oldest child in our family, and always will bear the responsibility to care for the 2 younger ones. The Lord has given you the best personality to do so, you are loving, caring and gentle and sweet.
Mommy feared I would not love you the same and enough when I was pregnant with Timothy. I was in tears many times thinking I was stealing something from you, the whole heart of mine to love you and my attention and my time and energy. But when Timothy came along, I knew a mother has enough love for all her children. Yes time and energy are limited, but love expands and will never end. I thank you for being so patient, when mommy is occupied with other things. You always are in my heart, no matter what I do.
so dear Jacob, my big boy, I just want to say I love you. I want you to remember even when you become a teenager one day and we might be mad at each other at times, that you are my most prescious child, my 1st born son. Thank you for teaching mommy so much things.
your mommy

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On Sunday Jacob turned 6 years old. I can't believe he is so big already. He also decided he is big enough to go to sleep without the training pants. Me and Philip have been taking turns waking him up at night to go potty, and until today it's been successful. Jacob does very well, I just need to tap on him and he is up immediately from sleep to go to the restroom. I am very proud of him willing to try to be night trained. Because he is a very deep sleeper, it was hard for him to get up and go potty when he was younger. Hopefully very soon we won't need to help him get up at all. But it's a great beginning.

We didn't do much to celebrate, because we want to keep it a family matter. We went to La Madiline to buy 2 fruit tarts, and 1 tarimasu for me, but when we got home, Jacob was only interested in MY Tarimasu. Since he was the birthday star, daddy said he could choose anything he wanted... so I missed my favorite, but we got to lit the candles and sang happy birthday to our big boy. He was happy, singing "happy birthday to ME" all along.

Jacob also got to talk to 公公 on the phone. He has been telling me when he goes back to Taiwan next time, he wants to go ride the motorcycle with
公公 to eat the yummy 粽子。 I miss all the foods in Taiwan. Although we won't be able to go back this year, hopefully next year will come soon. And we will bring the baby along.

Philip started UTD classes last week, and on every Tuesday and Wednesday he gets home late, and the boys won't be able to see daddy before bed. Although I kind of feel lonely and wish he could be home more, I realize it's a great benefit from the company and he should take advantage of it, getting FREE MBA degree. He already finished about 1/3 of the classes, and it won't be long before the other 2/3 is finished. I think he will break the world records, having 4 masters' degrees!!! The more the better of course, in today's cruel corporate America.

Tomorrow night Jacob will sing in a music program of MST kindergarten & 1st graders. I can't wait to see him perform!

This morning I went for my yoga class, and I am beginning to like the teacher. She is not fast-paced as I was used to, but she has a good flow of the movements and once I get used to her it will be good.

Our whole tank of fish are sick with white spots, which according to the petstore person is called "ich". It can be caused by sudden temperature changes or other factors. I bought the solution to put into the water and turned on the heater, hopefully it will help the fish heal. One fish didn't make it...

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 Today Jacob took the school bus home for the very 1st time!! I am SO proud of my big boy!! 
Me and Timothy went to pick him up at around 2:20pm, and we only had to wait for about 8 minutes then we saw the school bus from MST... I was SO excited!! I saw my big boy jumping out of the bus and the driver(Mr. Jim) waved goodbye to Jacob. My boy had a good experience today I could tell. He has 4 classmates that ride the same bus: Daven, Logan, Christian, & Russell. Logan and Christian are his best friends. So I am very happy for him he gets to ride the bus with friends he likes. Big Spring elementary school is the last stop for this bus and about 5-6 kids were dropped off here. It was so much easier. I only had to leave home a few minutes before the bus arrives, hooray I no longer have to spend 1 hour picking up Jacob at MST!! Way to go Jacob!!

This morning I went to my yoga class... a new teacher(DeeDee). I don't really like her teaching style, I don't think she is as good as my previous teachers.. but oh well, I don't want to spend money attending fee-based classes. So this class will do. I will still go on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Luckily Timothy alwasy does very well waiting for me in the child center. He usually watches a video, and plays on the computer some. Sometimes he will go out to the playset.

We went to Cherie's house after we picked up Jacob from Big Springs. The boys and the girls had a good time playing. Timothy was tired I guess he was mad constantly. He was really bored this morning because Jacob started school today. I think he was so used to Jacob being home with him for the winter break. Timothy starts school tomorrow. I am sure he will enjoy school.

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 今天對尚傑的牙齒來說,真是個大日子! Dr. Chrong(Dr. Mai's sister) 補了2顆上面的蛀牙,又再最後拔掉他下面的4顆門牙,最厲害的是尚傑沒有吸laughing gas, 醫生阿姨覺得他實在是太太太太厲害了!竟然這麼勇敢。 我在旁邊看的都很不忍心,一直呼求主名! 當然JACOB有小哭一下,在打麻藥到牙肉的時候, OUCH!! 和阿姨偷偷拔掉4顆牙的時候! 我們都覺得JACOB太SUPER了!! great job big boy!! 要是是弟弟可能早把診所給拆了!

晚上我們要到幸冠和寶珠家聚會,和PLANO的英語聖徒相調。Michelle 應該快來彈鋼琴了。。

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Tonight after dinner I took the boys to Jacob's ROBI night at RISD Professional
Development Center. ROBI stands for Reaching Out for Bright Idea. It is a
creative program that help kids to learn creativity. ROBI teacher comes to
Jacob's class once a week to teach them to "think of bright ideas". Jacob
loves his ROBI teacher, and he thinks it's great. Tonight we got to talk to
the ROBI teacher, she says "Jacob is a very good student, follows directions
very well, listens to the teacher very well, and answers questions with
creativity". Indeed I was very proud to hear such things from the ROBI
teacher. What happens is that early next semester we as parents can
nominate our child and between the parents and tearchers we will both
fill out questionares and Jacob will take 4 tests, and between these 6
criterias, Jacob will need to pass 4 in order to be enrolled in the REACH
program(for gifted and talented children). For REACH program, kids will
be called out of the class 1 hour a week to receive enrichment learning.
I am sure every parent wants their child to enroll in REACH and every
mom and dad thinks their child to be gifted and talented.

I don't know what to think of Jacob. Of course I know he is a child with
a lot of potentials, but I don't want to pressure him with having to be
gifted and talented in order to succeed in life. I want my boy to grow up

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