Ulu 是麵包果(Breadfruit) 的夏威夷話

麵包果樹 長這樣:

(picture from :

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry family, Moraceae, that is native to the Philippines, through all of Island Southeast Asia and into most Pacific Ocean islands. Its name is derived from the fact that, when cooked, the fruit of the breadfruit tree has a potato-like flavor, similar to fresh-baked bread. It is known to Tagalogs as "Kamansi".

The ancestors of the Polynesians found the trees growing in the northwest New Guinea area around 3500 years ago. They gave up the rice cultivation they had brought with them from ancient Taiwan, and raised breadfruit wherever they went in the Pacific (except Easter Island and New Zealand which were too cold). Their ancient eastern Indonesian cousins spread the plant west and north through Insular and coastal Southeast Asia. It has, in historic times, also been widely planted in tropical regions elsewhere.

真好玩 在夏威夷壁飾中 通常這是第一個拼布主婦會做的 因為掛在家裡 代表 家裡會一直有糧 ^^
這種麵包樹 我們家附近不少耶 原來這長得大大的果子是可以吃的耶   酷~

參考家裡的書 自己改變一下 就像剪紙一樣 摺一摺 剪一剪
夏天 就想玩夏威夷拼布~~  ^^

hand appliqued, hand quilted 7/6/2011 finished

62.5CM X 62.5CM

 前院美麗的小花 和好聞的迷迭香..


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