Friday 3/9/2007


All 3 kids took turns getting sick... First it was Timothy, a few days after we got back from Irving blending meeting, Timothy started having low grade fever... I predicted it... because everytime after the blending meeting kids would get sick. Then it was Acacia, she had a super running nose... and a low grade fever as well. She is still not fully recovered as of today(3/19)... still a little damp nose. Then it was Jacob's turn... RIGHT before our spring break vacation. On Thursday night Jacob started to have fever, so it really bothered daddy and me. We were struggling with the idea of cancelling the whole trip, knowing all 3 kids were sick and the weather in North East is cold. Our plane was going to depart at 6:55 am... and we had to leave the house at 5am. So we said, we would make a final decision by 4am whether to cancel the trip or not. And we almost DID. But the boys woke up very excitedly(with a fever still), saying they were ready for the airplane ride!!! So we thought, oh well, we might as well go and not waste the money on our prepaid rental car... and maybe we would have some fun anyway.

Brother David was very nice to take us to the airport at such an early time. We carried heavy loads of luggages, since we had to have winter/ski clothes. So just imagine how hard it was... dragging 3 sick kids and tons of luggages, waiting to check in, before the sun even rose.

And the VERY VERY annoying experience to pass through security. We had to dump our water bottles, practically take out everything in our pockets, had to undress, took off shoes... having our backpacks checked... you name it.

Finally we got on the plane. Although the kids were sick they were all very good during the flight. We had a smooth and nice trip. Acacia did amazingly well. She wasn't fussy at all and slept during the 2nd half of the flight.

We dicided to head directly to NY to stay with my good-old-friend Joyce. Several reasons, the most important one being the kids' sickness.. we wanted to let them recover before we do any snow skiing. So we took the rental car and poor tired daddy had to drive to NY while we snoozed in the car. He said he also napped a few times while driving... YIKES!! And the poor navagation system... took us on a very scenic route that took a lot longer than it's supposed to be. HAHA. Well, I finally woke up before we entered NY and provided some help with the map and directions.

FINALLY, finally, we got to Joyce's house... I was a little nervous. It's been 5+ years since we saw one another. I felt like I was going on a blind date :D But what a relief to see dear Joyce. I felt right at home. And we saw uncle Jeff. So all this time we all padded on some pounds. haha. So we started our wonderful week at NY.

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We are in New York City vacationing... it's almost a week now... We are staying in my good-old-friend Joyce's house... it's great weather in here... and we are enjoying each day here!
I will update all the fun details once we get home... when life returns to normal(boring) again :D

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We are in New York City vacationing... it's almost a week now... We are staying in my good-old-friend Joyce's house... it's great weather in here... and we are enjoying each day here!
I will update all the fun details once we get home... when life returns to normal(boring) again :D

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Tomorrow is our spring break family trip... this was planned long time ago but now it has changed from a CT skiing trip to probably a NY touring trip. Both Timothy & Acacia have been under the weather these past few days... and up until now we are not sure if we will really make the trip tomorrow... we will make a final decision tonight at dinnertime. It's a mixed feeling.. on one hand, we've been excitedly awaiting this trip for a while now... and the boys have been really excited about playing in the snow and skiing... but on the other hand, it's freezing cold in east coast and it's sunny and bright out here in Texas..... it really makes me wonder if I have made a wrong decision to go there at this time of the year or not.

This Monday we finally submitted Jacob & Acacia's passport applications.. it is SO expensive!! Each kid costs about $142.. plus the $$ to develop photos... good thing daddy finally took the pictures by himself and had them developed in Sams, not only it's cheaper but we were able to get the kids to smile... much nice pictures then the ones taken outside. And we will also apply for Taiwan passports for all 3 kids. That is another $240. With the expensive airline tickets for all 5 of us, this Taiwan trip has turned into a huge expense for us. But it will all worth it, I know, at the moment we get to see our families.

OK I want to record somethings about Acacia. Other than her 2nd cold, she is doing really well developmentally. She sits by herself very well now, and she is able to scoop backwards a little. Still not very willing to be on her tummy or to crawl, but she likes to stand with our help. I think she might go straight to walking and totally skipping crawling. We will see. SHe has tried quite a few different foods: pumpkin, sweet potato, squash, avacado, peas, and the other day she tried carrots and seemed to like it. Today I bought some canned Gerber turkey, and I just gave her some. I guess she didn't really like the texture, but she still managed to eat some with oatmeal. She loves to drink water, and she likes to chew on her teething cookie, as well as some strawberry flavored baby puffs. She is a much better eater than Jacob and Timothy were. I hope she will be a food lover, just like her mommy!!

It's so quiet now both T & A are taking a much needed nap. This is the only time I have to update a blog... 

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Tomorrow is our spring break family trip... this was planned long time ago but now it has changed from a CT skiing trip to probably a NY touring trip. Both Timothy & Acacia have been under the weather these past few days... and up until now we are not sure if we will really make the trip tomorrow... we will make a final decision tonight at dinnertime. It's a mixed feeling.. on one hand, we've been excitedly awaiting this trip for a while now... and the boys have been really excited about playing in the snow and skiing... but on the other hand, it's freezing cold in east coast and it's sunny and bright out here in Texas..... it really makes me wonder if I have made a wrong decision to go there at this time of the year or not.

This Monday we finally submitted Jacob & Acacia's passport applications.. it is SO expensive!! Each kid costs about $142.. plus the $$ to develop photos... good thing daddy finally took the pictures by himself and had them developed in Sams, not only it's cheaper but we were able to get the kids to smile... much nice pictures then the ones taken outside. And we will also apply for Taiwan passports for all 3 kids. That is another $240. With the expensive airline tickets for all 5 of us, this Taiwan trip has turned into a huge expense for us. But it will all worth it, I know, at the moment we get to see our families.

OK I want to record somethings about Acacia. Other than her 2nd cold, she is doing really well developmentally. She sits by herself very well now, and she is able to scoop backwards a little. Still not very willing to be on her tummy or to crawl, but she likes to stand with our help. I think she might go straight to walking and totally skipping crawling. We will see. SHe has tried quite a few different foods: pumpkin, sweet potato, squash, avacado, peas, and the other day she tried carrots and seemed to like it. Today I bought some canned Gerber turkey, and I just gave her some. I guess she didn't really like the texture, but she still managed to eat some with oatmeal. She loves to drink water, and she likes to chew on her teething cookie, as well as some strawberry flavored baby puffs. She is a much better eater than Jacob and Timothy were. I hope she will be a food lover, just like her mommy!!

It's so quiet now both T & A are taking a much needed nap. This is the only time I have to update a blog... 

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

  • Mar 03 Sat 2007 20:42
  • 尚甯

 因為要幫小朋友們辦台灣護照,取好妹妹ㄉ中文名字變ㄉ很緊迫,一直想不到很滿意ㄉ名字,今天和公公,姨婆商量ㄉ結果, 請他們翻字典,因為妹妹屬狗,聽說名字中要有寶蓋頭, 一方面小狗戀家,這樣很好。。。公公,姨婆翻字典找寶蓋頭ㄉ字, 經過國際電話幾番討論, 公公覺得 "甯" 這個字不錯, 和 "寧" 是相近字,相同念法。 但又顯ㄉ更特別,也更文藝味一些。

這個字拆開就是 : 家中特別用心。一方面因為妹妹是我們ㄉ手上明珠,一方面因為她是女生,更要花多一點心思照顧,這樣一想,就覺得這個字很有意思。 等爸爸待會聚會回家和他討論看看,也許就可以定案了ㄡ!

" 黃尚甯 ", 真好聽耶!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

  • Mar 03 Sat 2007 20:42
  • 尚甯

 因為要幫小朋友們辦台灣護照,取好妹妹ㄉ中文名字變ㄉ很緊迫,一直想不到很滿意ㄉ名字,今天和公公,姨婆商量ㄉ結果, 請他們翻字典,因為妹妹屬狗,聽說名字中要有寶蓋頭, 一方面小狗戀家,這樣很好。。。公公,姨婆翻字典找寶蓋頭ㄉ字, 經過國際電話幾番討論, 公公覺得 "甯" 這個字不錯, 和 "寧" 是相近字,相同念法。 但又顯ㄉ更特別,也更文藝味一些。

這個字拆開就是 : 家中特別用心。一方面因為妹妹是我們ㄉ手上明珠,一方面因為她是女生,更要花多一點心思照顧,這樣一想,就覺得這個字很有意思。 等爸爸待會聚會回家和他討論看看,也許就可以定案了ㄡ!

" 黃尚甯 ", 真好聽耶!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

人老了 !
一篇感人的文章 -
怎麼樣 ?」
兒子說:「我不是說過了嗎,媽有病不能吃太鹹 !」
「那好!媽是你的,以後由你來煮 !」媳婦怒氣沖沖地回房。
「仔,你是不是有話想跟媽說,是就說好了,別憋在心裡 !」
母親馬上意識到兒子的意思:「 仔,不要送媽去老人院。」聲音似乎在哀
是,阿財叔他.... 」

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

人老了 !
一篇感人的文章 -
怎麼樣 ?」
兒子說:「我不是說過了嗎,媽有病不能吃太鹹 !」
「那好!媽是你的,以後由你來煮 !」媳婦怒氣沖沖地回房。
「仔,你是不是有話想跟媽說,是就說好了,別憋在心裡 !」
母親馬上意識到兒子的意思:「 仔,不要送媽去老人院。」聲音似乎在哀
是,阿財叔他.... 」

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


We adore each other!!

We even play computer together!!!

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We adore each other!!

We even play computer together!!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I just LOVEEEEEEEEE my brother!!!

OK.. that was a FUNNT picture!! How come my eyes were SOOOOOOOOOOO small ???

My brother LOVESSSSSSSSSSSSS me So much!!

We even play computer together!! We are like twins!!!!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I just LOVEEEEEEEEE my brother!!!

OK.. that was a FUNNT picture!! How come my eyes were SOOOOOOOOOOO small ???

My brother LOVESSSSSSSSSSSSS me So much!!

We even play computer together!! We are like twins!!!!!

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