時間過ㄉ真快,我們ㄉ心肝已經9個月ㄌ。。。妹妹已經不再是小BABY,有他自己ㄉ個性,意見和感覺。。。媽媽越來越覺ㄉ養女生和男生真是大大ㄉ不同, 每天都充滿驚喜和感動。竟然還有人問我後不後悔生老三。。。有點想把他一腳踢到北極去, 切, 真是廢話,


8-9個月:自己坐至少可維持10分鐘--> yes.. 坐在餐廳餐椅或推車上時
8-9個月:坐時可以扶著東西站起來--> 非常愛
--> 終於開始爬。。媽媽已經都準備放棄希望了

8-9個月:兩手抓物移到胸前把玩--> 會!
8-9個月:以食指來碰觸物體--> 手部動作非常細微,可以拿起一顆飯吃, 厲害吧
8-9個月:手指可隨意志放鬆物體--> 會!超故意拿起東西又丟掉

8-9個月:吃東西時有咀嚼的動作出現--> 很早就會了!
8-9個月:會認得鏡子中的自己--> 不確定。。很少給她照鏡子

8-9個月:會自己拿餅乾吃--> 會。。各種形狀ㄉ餅乾都可以

8-9個月:會發出類似的聲音以模仿他人的聲音--> 會,聲音還不小
8-9個月:會喃喃自語發出一些彷如句子音串的聲調--> 會!
8-9個月:在手勢或聲調等環境提示下可以開始明白大人說話 -->媽媽說NO NO會眼眶紅, 還真是罵不得....


peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

On Friday afternoon, daddy was home so we all had a chance to play at the park with the whole family. We all love to play at the park, especially at this great weather.

The boys enjoyed biking, and me and daddy were busy taking pictures/video, and Acacia sat on the baby swing for the very first time!!! She liked it a lot, and she seemed SO tall in the swing!

Timothy loves to play the monkey bar... he did it over and over and over... about 6 times... Just by looking at him making me sore and tired :D Another mommy was pretty amazed by Timothy as well. We all tried to do it but none of us could!!

The boys got some bread from another mom so they got to feed the fish and the turtles... what a fun and relaxing afternoon at the park!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

On Friday afternoon, daddy was home so we all had a chance to play at the park with the whole family. We all love to play at the park, especially at this great weather.

The boys enjoyed biking, and me and daddy were busy taking pictures/video, and Acacia sat on the baby swing for the very first time!!! She liked it a lot, and she seemed SO tall in the swing!

Timothy loves to play the monkey bar... he did it over and over and over... about 6 times... Just by looking at him making me sore and tired :D Another mommy was pretty amazed by Timothy as well. We all tried to do it but none of us could!!

The boys got some bread from another mom so they got to feed the fish and the turtles... what a fun and relaxing afternoon at the park!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My brother came to visit this weekend. Alex joined a company that sent him to the US for job training.. he stayed in Philadelphia
for 2 weeks, then he transferred in Dallas(to visit us) then he heads to Portland for another 2 weeks before he returns Taiwan.

Philip went to pick him up on Friday. We were all very excited to see him, since it's been 2 years already. He sure has put on a lot of weight after he moved back to Taiwan. Except for his 4 month pregnant size tummy, I actually think he looks good with the extra pounds. We chatted until quite late Friday night, it felt great to have my little brother home again... I sure miss him. And mom was very very happy to see her son after 2 long years.

I was glad to find out Alex now takes care of himself better... he even uses skin care stuff on his face!! He at age 30 sure looks and feels like a grownup. I still picture him in my brain the little 5 year old, running around, skinny yet full of energy. I love you very much, my dear little brother!!

Living in Taipei all by himself is lonely, I pray the Lord will prepare a good companion for him.

On Saturday, Alex went out to meet with his friends for lunch... which turned into a LONG lunch so we had to cancel our dinner because he was too full from the buffet he ate. So we didn't really do much, mostly hanging out at home and just talked.

Then it's Lord's day.. we went to the meeting, Alex stayed home and relaxed, in the afternoon we quickly took Alex to get some Levi's jeans, which are pricy for me but only 1/3 of the retail price in Taiwan. We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner, my favorite restaurant. We ordered too much again and were stuffed to our throats!!! The Godiva Chocolate cheesecake was pretty good... it's flourless and not too sweet... however I still like the tiramisu
  kind the best.

Good time always flys by... it's time for Alex to head to another city... but I am not too sad since we will meet in Taiwan soon... next month!!! I pray the Lord will be with Alex everyday... and He will be his grace and supply.
I hope mom is not too sad... and hopefully when she gets her greencard soon she can go back to Taiwan and visit Alex a lot more often. (I totally understand a mom's heart now I have 3 !!)

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

My brother came to visit this weekend. Alex joined a company that sent him to the US for job training.. he stayed in Philadelphia
for 2 weeks, then he transferred in Dallas(to visit us) then he heads to Portland for another 2 weeks before he returns Taiwan.

Philip went to pick him up on Friday. We were all very excited to see him, since it's been 2 years already. He sure has put on a lot of weight after he moved back to Taiwan. Except for his 4 month pregnant size tummy, I actually think he looks good with the extra pounds. We chatted until quite late Friday night, it felt great to have my little brother home again... I sure miss him. And mom was very very happy to see her son after 2 long years.

I was glad to find out Alex now takes care of himself better... he even uses skin care stuff on his face!! He at age 30 sure looks and feels like a grownup. I still picture him in my brain the little 5 year old, running around, skinny yet full of energy. I love you very much, my dear little brother!!

Living in Taipei all by himself is lonely, I pray the Lord will prepare a good companion for him.

On Saturday, Alex went out to meet with his friends for lunch... which turned into a LONG lunch so we had to cancel our dinner because he was too full from the buffet he ate. So we didn't really do much, mostly hanging out at home and just talked.

Then it's Lord's day.. we went to the meeting, Alex stayed home and relaxed, in the afternoon we quickly took Alex to get some Levi's jeans, which are pricy for me but only 1/3 of the retail price in Taiwan. We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner, my favorite restaurant. We ordered too much again and were stuffed to our throats!!! The Godiva Chocolate cheesecake was pretty good... it's flourless and not too sweet... however I still like the tiramisu
  kind the best.

Good time always flys by... it's time for Alex to head to another city... but I am not too sad since we will meet in Taiwan soon... next month!!! I pray the Lord will be with Alex everyday... and He will be his grace and supply.
I hope mom is not too sad... and hopefully when she gets her greencard soon she can go back to Taiwan and visit Alex a lot more often. (I totally understand a mom's heart now I have 3 !!)

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

  雖然不捨,雖然心疼, 阿姨很被你一直以來ㄉ勇敢努力感動.你是好多人ㄉ心肝寶貝, 謝謝你教我們愛。看到你安詳.帶著微笑離開, 還帶著小小背包裝不下ㄉ祝福和愛.宇廷, we love you, very very much.
   簡爸爸.簡媽媽, 要為宇廷,更精彩ㄉ過日子。謝謝你們和我們分享宇廷雖短卻美麗ㄉ日子。祝福你們!



peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

  雖然不捨,雖然心疼, 阿姨很被你一直以來ㄉ勇敢努力感動.你是好多人ㄉ心肝寶貝, 謝謝你教我們愛。看到你安詳.帶著微笑離開, 還帶著小小背包裝不下ㄉ祝福和愛.宇廷, we love you, very very much.
   簡爸爸.簡媽媽, 要為宇廷,更精彩ㄉ過日子。謝謝你們和我們分享宇廷雖短卻美麗ㄉ日子。祝福你們!



peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Last Saturday daddy went to get his haircut and we all tagged along. We decided the boys could get a haircut too... so here they are, aren't my boys handsome!!!!


Here is Acacia while waiting, Timothy took the cute pictures!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Last Saturday daddy went to get his haircut and we all tagged along. We decided the boys could get a haircut too... so here they are, aren't my boys handsome!!!!


Here is Acacia while waiting, Timothy took the cute pictures!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I've wanted to buy some new toys for Acacia for a while now... she has outgrown her baby baby toys and absolutely feels bored at home. Today I saw a cool toy on craiglist so I contacted the seller, and after we picked up Jacob after school I drove to North Plano to pick up the toy. It's pretty cool, even the boys enjoy playing with it with Acacia.  It costs me $43, it's in really good condition, like new almost. A new one in the store is about $60+ so it's a good deal. After she gets tired of it I will re-sell it.

No more babyfood

Acacia didn't eat her babyfood very well, and it really concerned me. But sometimes when we eat I would give her a little bitty food, and I found she really wants to eat tablefoods, and not mushy babyfoods. So yesterday I started to give her "real" foods, that has a little bit taste to it, and I chopped them up in very small pieces, and she absolutely loves it!! I gave her some baked chicken meat, and she was all smiley and kept opening her mouth for more. SO THATS WHY!!! She doesn't think she is a baby anymore I guess. I can't blame her, I couldn't stand those yucky baby foods either!!! Today she ate some macoroni + tiny bits of carrots, with a little ground turkey. I grinded it a little in the grinder, and she really enjoyed her food. So bye bye babyfoods!!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I've wanted to buy some new toys for Acacia for a while now... she has outgrown her baby baby toys and absolutely feels bored at home. Today I saw a cool toy on craiglist so I contacted the seller, and after we picked up Jacob after school I drove to North Plano to pick up the toy. It's pretty cool, even the boys enjoy playing with it with Acacia.  It costs me $43, it's in really good condition, like new almost. A new one in the store is about $60+ so it's a good deal. After she gets tired of it I will re-sell it.

No more babyfood

Acacia didn't eat her babyfood very well, and it really concerned me. But sometimes when we eat I would give her a little bitty food, and I found she really wants to eat tablefoods, and not mushy babyfoods. So yesterday I started to give her "real" foods, that has a little bit taste to it, and I chopped them up in very small pieces, and she absolutely loves it!! I gave her some baked chicken meat, and she was all smiley and kept opening her mouth for more. SO THATS WHY!!! She doesn't think she is a baby anymore I guess. I can't blame her, I couldn't stand those yucky baby foods either!!! Today she ate some macoroni + tiny bits of carrots, with a little ground turkey. I grinded it a little in the grinder, and she really enjoyed her food. So bye bye babyfoods!!!

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Yesterday I took Jacob in to see Dr. Beach(partner of Dr. Cole) to see if there is anything that will help Jacob's wheezing. She spent some time discussing Jacob's asthma history with me, and she said we should treat it very aggressively, and that we should try to get his asthma under control... she said if we have to use albuterol more than twice a week it's too much. I didn't think Jacob's asthma was that bad. So we got prescriptions for 6 different things!!! There are 2 kinds of pills to take, they are for allergy control, since asthma and allergy go hand in hand. The other 3 are for his inhalation, and another one is a nose spray(something to control allergy too and give him a clear nose). All the medicine came up to be $135, and this is only the co-pay part... can't imagine if we don't have insurance, it will probably run up to $500 easily!!!

So Jacob has been really good taking the pills as well as the inhalation treatment. Hopefully like Dr. Beach said, we will have his asthma controlled before we go back to Taiwan!!! And we will have to see her again at the end of next week.

Jacob weighed 60.5 lbs yesterday, what a big boy I have!! He has grown from 8 lb 3 oz to 60.5 lbs in 7 years!!! Wow!! 

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Yesterday I took Jacob in to see Dr. Beach(partner of Dr. Cole) to see if there is anything that will help Jacob's wheezing. She spent some time discussing Jacob's asthma history with me, and she said we should treat it very aggressively, and that we should try to get his asthma under control... she said if we have to use albuterol more than twice a week it's too much. I didn't think Jacob's asthma was that bad. So we got prescriptions for 6 different things!!! There are 2 kinds of pills to take, they are for allergy control, since asthma and allergy go hand in hand. The other 3 are for his inhalation, and another one is a nose spray(something to control allergy too and give him a clear nose). All the medicine came up to be $135, and this is only the co-pay part... can't imagine if we don't have insurance, it will probably run up to $500 easily!!!

So Jacob has been really good taking the pills as well as the inhalation treatment. Hopefully like Dr. Beach said, we will have his asthma controlled before we go back to Taiwan!!! And we will have to see her again at the end of next week.

Jacob weighed 60.5 lbs yesterday, what a big boy I have!! He has grown from 8 lb 3 oz to 60.5 lbs in 7 years!!! Wow!! 

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

So it felt like it's been ages since I last update my blog... 24 hours a day is simply not enough for me to use. 

US passport:
I received my US passport the other day. It felt VERY strange to hold an US passport. I guess I still feel I am a pure Taiwan citizen in my heart.

Mom's Status:
I found out there is a program called DORA which is a pilot program for people petitioning for their relatives. It's a super fast program that applications usually can be completed in 90 days.. wow.. only 3 months. So anyway, I made an appointment for today, and this morning we went to for the interview. The officier told us he thinks there should be NO problem with our case.. meaning we should be able to get mom her green card in 90 days. Wow I am impressed!! It took me a while to fill out all these annoying forms and got all the documents ready, but it sure is worth it. Mom will be here... or travel to Taiwan freely. What a big relief!! Thank the Lord everything went so smoothly.

My 3 precious ones:
Pink is for my little girl of course. She has been growing up so much in the past few weeks. She is now pulling herself up to standing and she is actually trying to cruise, Just today she crawled a few steps... I am so excited!! Maybe we will have a mobile baby very soon, I guess I will be even busier trying to chase after her. Her nasty cold and ear infection finally got cleared up... after a few days of antibiotics. Medicine sure is amazing sometimes. I am SO happy to see her face without a running nose. And she seems so much happier and she now eats a lot more. She is still quite picky.. turning up her nose when she disagrees with what I prepare for her. But she LOVES bananas, she even likes sour strawberries. She will make funny face but continue to eat strawberry.. very very funny. Acacia LOVES music, and she loves to play the piano. Whenever she hears music, she will move her body and head, VERY cute!! I think we will have to start her on piano lessons at 3 years old!!  She is SO clingy to me. Basically she is in my arms all day long. No wonder she doesn't have a chance to learn to crawl. She is in her peak of seperation anxiety. if I am 2 feet or further from her, she starts crying. She absolute refuses to be held by anyone other than me. Well, she can have daddy hold her sometimes... but not often. My left arm is so strang, I feel like it has been playing tennins all day.

Well, Green is Jacob's favorite color now.. My big boy, he is doing so well. Just got another report card back from school, as usual, he scores 4(Perfect A) for everything except his handwriting. He is a little sloppy on handwriting and we will have to work on that. He is probably the best student in his class. I am VERY proud of him. I can't believe he is such a good student. He finished book 2 on mental math last week, he is starting book 3... we don't know how long we will continue him on mental math class, but probably until he gets really tired of it. It's a good exercise for his brain. His art piece earned him a reward and was part of the display held by RISD. He himself was pretty surprised that he could get awarded for art. He never had the confidence since Timothy draws so well. Now he knows he is pretty good too!! (only about 6 or 7 students' art work were selected in his whole school!!!!) can you tell I am a very proud mama?

Orange since Timothy still favors orange. My little boy is doing very well, he is pass half of the level 5 hooked on phonics. He learns everything so fast, sometimes I don't know what to do with him. He still loves to draw, continuing to be a leader at his class. He loves to help other kids in his class. Just this afternoon his friend Nehemiah came to our house to play, I was busy with Acacia so while I was in the bedroom I heard him say "Nehemiah, do you want to have some cookies?" " no i can't" said Nehemiah(what a good boy). " then you want some oranges? They are REALLY REALLY sweet, do you know how to peel it? " said my little man. I was pretty impressed that he knows how to be a host. WOW.  

peggyhuang1 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

So it felt like it's been ages since I last update my blog... 24 hours a day is simply not enough for me to use. 

US passport:
I received my US passport the other day. It felt VERY strange to hold an US passport. I guess I still feel I am a pure Taiwan citizen in my heart.

Mom's Status:
I found out there is a program called DORA which is a pilot program for people petitioning for their relatives. It's a super fast program that applications usually can be completed in 90 days.. wow.. only 3 months. So anyway, I made an appointment for today, and this morning we went to for the interview. The officier told us he thinks there should be NO problem with our case.. meaning we should be able to get mom her green card in 90 days. Wow I am impressed!! It took me a while to fill out all these annoying forms and got all the documents ready, but it sure is worth it. Mom will be here... or travel to Taiwan freely. What a big relief!! Thank the Lord everything went so smoothly.

My 3 precious ones:
Pink is for my little girl of course. She has been growing up so much in the past few weeks. She is now pulling herself up to standing and she is actually trying to cruise, Just today she crawled a few steps... I am so excited!! Maybe we will have a mobile baby very soon, I guess I will be even busier trying to chase after her. Her nasty cold and ear infection finally got cleared up... after a few days of antibiotics. Medicine sure is amazing sometimes. I am SO happy to see her face without a running nose. And she seems so much happier and she now eats a lot more. She is still quite picky.. turning up her nose when she disagrees with what I prepare for her. But she LOVES bananas, she even likes sour strawberries. She will make funny face but continue to eat strawberry.. very very funny. Acacia LOVES music, and she loves to play the piano. Whenever she hears music, she will move her body and head, VERY cute!! I think we will have to start her on piano lessons at 3 years old!!  She is SO clingy to me. Basically she is in my arms all day long. No wonder she doesn't have a chance to learn to crawl. She is in her peak of seperation anxiety. if I am 2 feet or further from her, she starts crying. She absolute refuses to be held by anyone other than me. Well, she can have daddy hold her sometimes... but not often. My left arm is so strang, I feel like it has been playing tennins all day.

Well, Green is Jacob's favorite color now.. My big boy, he is doing so well. Just got another report card back from school, as usual, he scores 4(Perfect A) for everything except his handwriting. He is a little sloppy on handwriting and we will have to work on that. He is probably the best student in his class. I am VERY proud of him. I can't believe he is such a good student. He finished book 2 on mental math last week, he is starting book 3... we don't know how long we will continue him on mental math class, but probably until he gets really tired of it. It's a good exercise for his brain. His art piece earned him a reward and was part of the display held by RISD. He himself was pretty surprised that he could get awarded for art. He never had the confidence since Timothy draws so well. Now he knows he is pretty good too!! (only about 6 or 7 students' art work were selected in his whole school!!!!) can you tell I am a very proud mama?

Orange since Timothy still favors orange. My little boy is doing very well, he is pass half of the level 5 hooked on phonics. He learns everything so fast, sometimes I don't know what to do with him. He still loves to draw, continuing to be a leader at his class. He loves to help other kids in his class. Just this afternoon his friend Nehemiah came to our house to play, I was busy with Acacia so while I was in the bedroom I heard him say "Nehemiah, do you want to have some cookies?" " no i can't" said Nehemiah(what a good boy). " then you want some oranges? They are REALLY REALLY sweet, do you know how to peel it? " said my little man. I was pretty impressed that he knows how to be a host. WOW.  

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